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Eric patted her hand. “You’re so wonderful, you know that.” He pulled her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers.

“Are you nervous about the meeting today?” she asked. She knew the elections were just around the corner and he didn’t want his competition catching up to him in votes.

“No, I’m not. I really think I have a good shot at this, Sarah. I know it’s negative and a real bad situation that’s going on right now, but our family name is out there. The people are backing us up, they’re backing me up. I think they figure I’m the real thing. Everything that’s happened in our lives, the tragedy, the loss of Clara and now Grace being chased by some madman. The public feels for us and they’re showing their support in the polls,” Eric said then continued to eat.

Sarah could understand what he was saying but it didn’t make her feel any better about it. This was not the way to win an election. She couldn’t lose her only daughter to the same person who took Clara.

“I don’t like that, Eric. People should not vote for you because they feel sorry for us or because we lost Clara and now Grace is not safe. It’s just not right.” She threw the dishtowel down on the kitchen counter.

“I would like to win this election, Sarah. I want to be town councilman and who knows, maybe mayor or governor next. You know this is my dream. Don’t ruin it.” He rose from the table and headed out the door.

Sarah was not surprised by his attitude. He did want this position. He had been after it for the past two years and finally it was looking promising. She went about clearing the table. She wanted to clean up so she could get to the hospital. Thank God the man hadn’t killed Jamie, too.

* * * *

“How’s she doing, Tod?” Frank asked as John shook Tod’s hand.

“She’s the same. No change since I found her,” Tod told them as he looked at Jamie. Her face was bruised and her eyes were swollen shut. The men couldn’t even imagine what she went through.

“My mom’s on her way over. She wants to keep you company,” John said as he looked at his poor cousin. He was so angry and he didn’t know what to do or how to handle it.

“My mother-in-law is a mess. She can’t handle looking at Jamie like this. She j

ust keeps crying,” Tod said as he put his hands in his pocket.

“My aunt Julie is pretty tough but seeing her own daughter like this has got to be the worst. That’s why my mom wanted to come. She figured she could help both of you,” Frank told Tod.

“I don’t know how she’s being this strong. She must be worried sick about Grace. Hey Grace isn’t coming back, right?” Tod asked.

“As far as we know Sandman’s going to keep her in hiding. We told him not to tell her everything but I’m sure our sister will get it out of him,” John said.

“She shouldn’t come home with this guy on the loose. You guys read that letter. He’s obsessed with Grace. Make sure she knows we don’t want her to take a chance and come home,” Tod said and Frank and John agreed.

The hospital door opened and Sarah walked into the room.

“Hey, Mom.” Frank greeted his mother, kissing her on the cheek.

“Hi, Frank, Johnny,” she said as John gave her a kiss. Then she gave Tod a big hug and kiss on the cheek.

“How are you holding up, Tod?” she asked as she put her purse on the table.

“I’m hanging in there, Aunt Sarah,” he told her as the men watched Sarah fix Jamie’s covers then gently caress her hair.

“And how is my favorite niece today? I can’t wait to hear that beautiful voice of yours. We love you, honey, and you’re safe now. Everything is going to be okay.” Sarah pulled the chair next to the bed.

Just then Frank’s cell phone rang and he went outside to answer it.

He was walking down the hallway and headed out the front door when his brother Peter started rambling on in a panic.

“Okay now I know I heard Donald correctly last night but right now he’s an hour late to work. He’s supposed to be at the precinct being questioned by Agent Lancaster,” Peter stated, sounding worried.

“What do you mean he’s not there? Did you try his house? His cell phone?” Frank asked, and of course Peter had done both already.

“This does not look good, Frank. You’d better find him or he’s going to be hung alive,” Peter said as Frank agreed before he hung up the phone.

Frank and John headed back to the precinct after checking out Donald’s house. There was no sign of him and they didn’t know what to think.

As Frank and John turned the corner heading toward Donald’s office, they heard Agent Lancaster.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic