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“Our espresso arrived along with dessert containing fresh, homemade Italian cookies and pastries. There were cannoli, cream puffs, you name it and the waiter brought over some gelato that was out of this world. It was so delicious and as I finished it another waiter and a busboy came around and placed two more servings in front of me. My friends were laughing and of course I was so embarrassed. I declined the other dishes of gelato, laughing and wondering what was going on.

“My friend Marcia spoke Italian and just as she was going to ask why the waiter and everyone were paying so much attention to me, the waiter emerged from the kitchen with the cook, an older woman, and two other young men in their late twenties.

“The other patrons in the restaurant looked on, some saying hello and waving to them, obviously knowing the people.

“It turned out they were the waiter’s brothers, mother, and father.

“They asked my friend Marcia if I was betrothed to anyone and if I would be interested in accompanying their son the waiter to the local dance club down the street,” Grace said then laughed.

“You’ve got to be kidding me? That sounds like something out of a movie,” Duke stated.

“I thought of my mom instantly and what she said about the men wanting to find American women to marry and I freaked out. I was going straight back to the hotel, alone and unbetrothed,” she said and Big Jay, Duke, and Sandman laughed.

“It must have been an amazing experience living in Europe, learning about the different cultures and language. You probably have a lot of stories,” Sandman said and Grace smiled.

“I guess I do have a few. It was great. I hope to go back someday. But not alone. The cities are too romantic. Venice, Florence, even Paris and Madrid. It would be wonderful to share it with someone special.”

She smiled at the thought.

“Do you ever think about settling down here in the States? You know, trying to find a photography gig that’s closer to your family?” Duke asked, and she swallowed hard. She never thought about returning home. She was in the midst of an amazing career. She was young and at the top in her field.

“I still have a lot to accomplish. I’ve won some awards and I’m considered one of the best at my job. I’m supposed to go to Milan in a week. I haven’t even spoken to my boss about it.”

“You can’t go if this killer is still out there,” Sandman stated and she heard the hint of regret in his voice.

“I have a career. If I don’t go and do that job, I might as well kiss my entire profession and the last three years good-bye.”

“We were kind of hoping that you would consider staying with us. This house is an hour’s drive from Houston. You could visit your family anytime and they can even come stay here. We have the extra two bedrooms,” Duke said.

“What about your careers?”

“I would still work SWAT and train. Big Jay can still do his private investigator stuff and Sandman can pick and choose when he wants to take on a job,” Duke stated as if he had everything planned out. Grace felt her belly tighten. This was going too fast.

“So what you’re saying, Duke, is that you three get to keep your careers while I have to change mine?” She sat forward in the seat.

“You wouldn’t have to change careers, just change locations and stay locally instead of overseas,” Big Jay said.

“I photograph models. That means major exotic locations. Houston does not fit into that category. Models in bikinis on beaches with tropical surroundings.”

“There’s no need to get upset over it. We’ll work it out,” Big Jay said.

“Where are we anyway?” she asked them, trying to change the subject. It seemed she had a lot to think about, including whether love was enough to make this relationship work out.

“An hour outside of Houston. We have a small town a few miles down the road. There’s a bus stop, a deli, diner, hardware store, et cetera. There are miles between properties, the way we like it,” Duke stated.

“It’s a vacation place for us. We do have a house not too far from the city. It’s more suburban like with shopping centers and restaurants,” Sandman added.

“Yeah, some close friends of ours own a bar restaurant called Casper’s. That’s the main hangout. We have a nice place there and the area is surrounded with ex-military types, like us,” Big Jay told her. She absorbed what they were saying, but her gut felt as if it were in knots. There was so much to be concerned over. She was in no position to make plans for the future.

Just then Sandman’s cell phone rang and he answered it while walking out of the room. Grace watched him walk away, smiling at the thought of sharing Europe with him and his brothers, but they seemed to have different plans. Would this be what would tear their relationship apart, before they even got fully started?

Duke and Big Jay were quiet as they all sat there. She wondered if they were thinking what she was and that maybe this relationship wouldn’t work out. She didn’t like the feeling she had.

Just then, Sandman walked back into the room.

He didn’t look happy, his face was flushed and he was having a hard time

keeping eye contact with Grace.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic