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His original plan had changed so much over the past few years.

What was once his motivation, his hobby, had now become his purpose in life, his meaning for living. Getting away with the first dozen kills gave him confidence and power. I’m so fucking smart. My mind is amazing. My plans of attack, to evade capture, to plant evidence are so fucking awesome. He felt his blood pumping through his veins. He sensed that need to finish this act and move on to his next strategic move. He wanted Grace so badly now, he could taste her. She had become his obsession and when he thought about how close he had gotten to her so many years ago, it killed him inside to think he had lost his opportunity. She left, but he was always aware of where she lived, who she was with and that she would one day return.

“With love to Grace,” he whispered as he grabbed Maggie by her hair and kissed her, biting her lip.

She was pleading for him to stop, and the killer enjoyed this part of the game, the fantasy. He loved to hear them beg and scream from the pleasure that he brought them.

“I am your master, you are my slave. Do as I say before you go to the grave.”

* * * *

John was in Donald’s office. He was telling him about his relationship with Maggie.

Although they had only been dating a couple of months, he was unsure whether or not they should continue seeing one another.

After all he was a SWAT Team Commander and she was a patrol officer studying for the sergeant’s exam.

People were already starting to talk and he wasn’t sure he was up for the hassle.

“John, she’s a great woman, and so what, that she works in the department. It’s not like you’re both in SWAT team or working side by side,” Donald said as he looked at John from across his desk.

He thought of Sarah’s kids like they were his own. They had become so close and he was honored when her sons came to him for advice.

“I know that, Donald, but I’m not sure she’s right for me. Take yesterday for example. She didn’t return any of my calls and her roommate said she never came home last night. I know she just broke up with her boyfriend only a few days before we started dating. I’m getting too old for this cat-and-mouse shit. I want commitment, maybe get married, and stop living the bachelor life.” John paced back and forth in front of Donald’s desk.

Donald got up, walked around his desk, and put his hand on John’s shoulder.

“I’m happy to hear you’re ready to settle down, John, and maybe Maggie’s not the right one, but don’t jump to conclusions. Find out the truth from her then move on if you have to,” he told him and John agreed.

“I’m glad I have you to talk to, Donald. You know you’re like family right?” John said as Donald smiled.

“Have you heard anything from your sister or Sandman yet?” Donald asked as he leaned against his desk.

“Not since yesterday. She said she was safe but no details. I hope to hear from her soon. My mom’s freaking out and Eric’s been busy with work so Aunt Betsy and Aunt Grace have been keeping Mom company.”

“Well Eric does have a business to run and the promotion for this November’s upcoming elections. I’m sure Aunt Betsy has brought along plenty of those delicious blackberry preserves she makes. I may just have to stop by and visit,” Donald said and John laughed.

“You should, Donald. I know my mom would love to see you,” John told him before he left the office.

Chapter 10

Grace climbed into the shower and let the hot water cascade over her body. When she closed her eyes, all she could see were three strikingly handsome men. She smiled to herself. She felt happy. As ridiculous as this was, to feel this way while her life remained in jeopardy was insane. She smiled as she began shampooing her hair, rinsed it, then added conditioner. As she started lathering up the soap, she remembered last night, well early this morning. Then the memory of her nightmare came rushing back. In an instant she felt the fear grip her heart. She rinsed the conditioner and felt the tears roll down her cheeks. She wiped them away with the water. Why was she crying? Why, after being so strong and willing away the fear and the memories of her sister’s murder, was she crying now?

Grace turned off the faucet, stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around her hair and then another one around her body. The mirror was fogged up, as she stood there frozen in place. She thought about Sandman, Big Jay, and Duke. She longed for their company, their embrace. That was what took her mind off of these morbid thoughts. She gripped the bathroom counter and lowered her head.

He’s out there. He continues to kill, to cause fear, and make the public worry about their loved ones’ safety. He’s looking for me. What does he want from me? Wasn’t it enough that he took my sister?

The tears rolled down her cheeks and she felt the hands on her shoulders. She screamed, turned abruptly and shoved at the person.

“Whoa, Grace, it’s me.” Sandman.

She went from feeling frightened to embarrassed so quickly she felt dizzy. She leaned back against the wall, closed her eyes, and tried to calm her breathing. Sandman placed one hand over her shoulder against the wall behind her and one against her right hipbone.

“What is it, baby? Why are you so scared?”

She couldn’t open her eyes and face him. Sandman was strong, a soldier, a man to be reckoned with. She on the other hand was weak, defeated, and so overstimulated with emotions and anxiety she didn’t have an answer.

He caressed her cheek. He towered over her, his size even more dramatic with her standing barefoot in only a towel and him fully dressed, boots and all.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic