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“Who the fuck knows,” Pedro stated.

“How do you want to do this, boss?” Turk asked as Sully drove the vehicle.

“Just follow them, but not too close. We don’t want to tip them off.” Valdere sat there itching to get his hands on Antonio.

“When I get my hands on that piece of shit, he’s a dead man,” Valdere said as they followed the sedan.

* * * *

“We’ve got it. The Mercedes was just spotted heading down the main highway toward Dallas,” Shane yelled out.

“Can they get a chopper up pronto? We can’t lose that vehicle,” Teddy asked.

“Let’s head out. They’re thirty minutes ahead of us,” Gunny added and they scattered to head toward the truck.

“Turn your radios to forty-two. Keep me updated and remember no sirens and tell that helicopter to keep a good distance.”

“Yes, sir,” Shane called out as Gunny, Teddy, Wes, and Garrett headed toward Gunny’s truck while other detectives and officers followed.

As they drove out of the parking garage everyone was on edge.

“I can’t believe she’s in danger. We were supposed to protect her,” Garrett stated.

“It’s my fault. If I had followed my gut and looked into that car deeper...”

“No, Gunny, it isn’t anyone’s fau

lt. These men were after her for months. It’s just coincidence that they chose now to attack. We know where the car is. We’ve got guys up there and on the roads. We’ll get to her in time,” Teddy stated.

“I hope so, or I’ll never be able to live with this mistake,” Gunny said as he maneuvered around traffic and then gunned the gas pedal as soon as the road ahead was clear.

* * * *

Gia struggled as Jeffrey tied her to a large bed. Her body continued to shake and her belly would tighten then spasm. He looked like some psycho, with his bloodshot eyes and sweaty forehead. He straddled her waist and leaned over her.

“So fucking pretty. I didn’t underestimate you this time, bitch.”

She stared at his bruised face and the cast on his hand. She did that to him. She beat him up.

“The bruises look good, asshole.”

He struck her in the mouth with the cast and she screamed as the tears filled her eyes.

“You’re going to look just as good by the time I get through with you.” He reached for the scissors and she tried to fight the binds that held her down.

“Ahh, not so tough now are we, Gia. Damn, you’re going to pay for fucking up my life. If I’m going to jail I might as well make it worth my while. How about I cut you up so you’re not so pretty.” He ran the blade gently down her cheek then against her neck. She gasped and tightened her body, afraid to move even a hair, or the sharp scissors would cut her.

“Hmm, I like you when you’re obedient.”

He jumped up and lowered his body between her legs.

When he started to cut the material away from her body she panicked. She thought about the black lace panties and matching see-through lace bra she wore. It was supposed to be a surprise for Garrett, Wes, and Gunny when she got home. She’d planned a little striptease. She felt her throat and her nose clog up. She was never going to see them again. Jeffrey was going to rape her.

He shoved the material of her dress away, and his eyes widened.

“Nice sexy panties. Are you wet for me, Gia?” he asked then ran his hand up her inner thigh to her mound. She tightened and screamed at him.

“Don’t touch me. I hate you!” she yelled and in a flash he cut the remainder of her dress, and her breasts poured from the top, the bra hardly fitting.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic