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“I called it in. I also asked for a patrol officer to patrol around the apartment complex.”

“She’s not staying there,” Gunny stated firmly as he held her hand.

“She’ll stay with us. We’ll go by her place and pick up some things she might need,” Garrett said.

“I was supposed to start work this week,” she whispered and Gunny squeezed her hand.

“No you’re not—” Gunner began to say when Wes interrupted.

“You can take a few more days. Let’s get this moron off the streets and behind bars where he belongs.”

“Okay. I say we go now before it gets too late,” Garrett said.

“Do you really think this is necessary? I mean, he wouldn’t try to come after me now when he knows he’s been caught.”

“That’s exactly why he might come after you, honey. He could be desperate,” Jasper added.

“Or want revenge. Remember that you’re dealing with a repeat offender,” John Luke said.

“A man who has no respect for women and doesn’t see them as a threat. You can’t take the chance, honey. Let our sons protect you,” Davie said and she nodded her head and squeezed

Gunny’s hand. He squeezed it back.

“Let’s go,” he said and he hoped that this would be behind them by the end of the week. But somewhere in his gut he felt that tinge of concern. Always expect the unexpected. Those were words that had saved his life more than once.

* * * *

Gia was shocked at the emotions she felt. Desire, lust, and hunger, like nothing before. As she initially sat in the truck with Wes and waited while Gunny and Garrett completed a perimeter check and secured the apartment building and her apartment, she watched in awe. They moved through the darkness, disappearing before her eyes like spies in the night. She waited, watched, and stared in the darkness with bits of anxiety that Jeffrey could be out there waiting. But stronger than those concerns was the knowledge that she had three very lethal, talented, and well-trained commandoes as lovers and her body was reacting. Her pussy actually felt swollen with need. It was an extraordinary feeling she wished she could share with Wes as he kept close eyes on the street in front of her building. His little whispers of “stay down,” sporadically, every time she moved closer to the window in search of Gunny and Garrett, made her panties wet and her nipples hard. I’m sick in the head. I finally lost my mind. I’m turned on by all this secret spy shit and being protected by soldiers/cowboys. Oh God. She felt the little spill of cream and clenched her legs tighter.

“It’s okay, baby. Don’t be scared, we’re just taking some extra precautions,” Wes told her.

She nodded her head, not daring to verbalize a response because she was sure it would come out like a moan instead of actual words.

By the time Garrett and Gunny reappeared, without her even noticing them, she was shaking.

“Come on, let’s make it quick,” Gunner said as he opened the door, making her gasp in surprise of his sudden appearance.

She nearly lost her balance on shaky legs as they escorted her to the building. Thank God they thought she was just a scaredy-cat and not an aroused, sick sex maniac envisioning her three men naked and licking every damn inch of their incredible bodies. Sweet Jesus, I want them.

By the time they closed the door and stood in her kitchen she was nearly panting.

“Hey, are you okay?” Gunny asked and she nodded her head.

She needed to focus on getting some clothing. She stumbled through the hallway to her bedroom. She looked around and sensed that nothing was touched or moved. She really felt that she would know it if Jeffrey or someone else had been in here. She smelled the men’s cologne and recognized the scent. It was Garrett’s and immediately she had flashbacks of their lovemaking. She took a deep breath. Turning, she stared up into Garrett’s face. He looked so damn serious. His dimples weren’t showing so clearly, but in the deep muscles in his face, a man appearing carved of steel stared back at her.

“You sure that you’re okay?”

She turned abruptly, the movement making her breasts react as the material of her bra felt as if it chafed her skin.

I need them. Oh God, I need them inside of me.

Gathering her things and bringing them out to the truck seemed to take forever. Garrett took the passenger seat as Wes drove toward their place and she suddenly felt her control diminish.

“All right damn it, you haven’t said a word and I can hear you breathing and feel your body shaking. What’s going on?” Gunner asked in his tone that was demanding and such a turn-on she lost all sense of boundaries.

She crawled onto his lap and straddled his hips. He immediately grabbed ahold of her hips as she lifted up and down slowly on his lap.

She held his gaze. “I’ve lost my freaking mind, Gunny. I can’t take it anymore. The three of you are driving me insane and I just can’t take it.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic