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“It does. It’s an old injury, but one I’ll have forever I guess.”

She ran her hands along his chest and to his shoulders. “Did we overdo it last night?” she asked with a small smile.

His eyes widened and then they seemed to darken to an almost dark gray color. The feel of his finger stroking down the crack of her ass to her cunt made her lips part and a soft moan escape.

“I can keep up, baby, don’t you worry. It’s just been a while,” he admitted and she leaned up to kiss his lips. That kiss began to get hotter and the ice pack nearly fell off his leg.

“Your breakfast is getting cold,” Gunner teased and she released his lips and stepped back.

“It’s been a while for me, too. I’m feeling a little sore all over today,” she told him as she went to step away. He grabbed her hand and she heard forks drop as Gunner and Wes watched her.

“We didn’t hurt you, did we?” Garrett asked and Gunner and Wes seemed just as concerned.

“No, silly. I enjoyed last night and this morning.” She flipped a look toward Wes and Gunner.

Garrett pulled her back between his thighs. “You and I will be spending the day together, baby.”

Then he kissed her sweetly on the mouth. A kiss filled with promises of what she knew would be a fun and exciting afternoon.

Chapter 9

“It’s over, Jeffrey. I can’t do anymore. The charges are going to stick. When you appear in court this week, they are going to arrest you. The video of the attack is all over the place, never mind the number of women who have come forward with accusations against you,” his attorney stated.

“Fuck that. I’m not going to jail. You paid my bail.”

“The judge didn’t think you would come up with five hundred thousand dollars. Damn it, Jeffrey, twelve women are claiming that you raped them or stalked them. Twelve! This woman you attacked at the hotel, that fought back, has gained the attention and the support of millions. You need help. If I can make a plea in court this week and get you admitted—”

“No! This is not happening. I won’t go to prison or a mental asylum or whatever because of this bitch. It’s not happening.”

Jeffrey hung up the phone. He ran his fingers through his hair as he stared at himself in the mirror. His face needed a shave, his eyes were bloodshot. He hadn’t been sleeping and everywhere he turned people shot dirty, nasty looks at him. He’d lost his job, his life savings and even his friends, all because of that bitch Gia. He looked at his hand, set in the cast, and the bruises and cuts on his face. She knew how to fight. He’d underestimated her. How could a woman, a petite, sexy woman, bring a man like him down? He felt his chest tighten and the rage envelop his thoughts.

“I’m not going to prison. If she drops the charges, then this is over and everything will turn out just fine.”

He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and scanned through the contacts. While he flirted with Meredith, the main secretary, he had looked up Gia’s personal home address and phone number. He’d added them to his contacts. There it is. Her cell number.

He took a deep breath and got himself into the right state of mind before he dialed it. She would be warned, but this time, this woman would only get one warning.

* * * *

“So are you going to be coming back to work?” Sammy asked as she waited for Gia to finish getting ready for the party at Casper’s.

“I think so, but Robert heard that Jeffrey’s lawyers are trying to charge me with assault and they’re trying to go after Robert’s attorneys to sue for wrongfully firing him. The judge set bail and he paid it. I guess I’ll have to wait until next week when they have the hearing. It’s a total mess, but Robert thinks that it is all a game. Besides, I haven’t really discussed the possibility of returning this week to work with Gunny, Garrett, and Wes either. They’ve been so protective and I don’t want them freaking out about it. I’m surprised they even let me stay here alone to get ready.”

“That’s because I insisted upon catching up with you and hanging out a bit. Sounds serious if you need their permission to continue to work,” Sammy teased and Gia appeared in front of her. She wondered what Sammy’s comment meant, but then she saw the shock on her own face in the mirror and that smug look Sammy got when she knew she would get the last laugh.

“You know what? Scratch that. I think discussing your return to work will be the last thing on their mind when they see you walk into Casper’s. Come on. I can’t wait to get there.”

Gia wondered what in the world Sammy was talking about. They were headed to Casper’s after the guys had informed her that they were hosting the football party for the Dallas Cowboys game. She’d figured that they were Texas fans, but after seeing Sammy wearing her Cowboys jersey and knowing that Teddy and his family were Cowboy fans, she had to root for her own team, the New York Giants. Certainly there would be other Giant fans there.

As they drove to Casper’s, Sammy told her about everyone at work discussing what happened and about the news reporters asking about Gia.


not talking to any of them. I’ve turned down their offers for interviews.”

“Why, Gia? What you did was so brave and it made a difference. Those other women thought their lives were ruined. They didn’t have the training you have or the fight in you. That piece of crap is finally going down. Believe me, after what he tried with Kaleigh, I’m glad he’s done.”

As they pulled into the parking lot of Casper’s they noticed all the cars and other people walking into the place. Gunny texted her for the third time, wondering where she was. She smiled wide. It had only been a few days since she’d returned to Houston from Dallas. She wasn’t too thrilled about showing her bruises and bandages off in public. The attention embarrassed her.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic