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After a little bit of food, Gia had just enough energy to shower. She excused herself as she made her way into the bathroom. The hot water did wonders to her sore muscles. As she washed her hair then added conditioner, she thought about the men. They truly cared about her. They looked so upset and she didn’t want them to be afraid to touch her. What she really needed was to have them hold her. She was annoyed at the plastic covering over her hand. It impeded the normally quick process of washing her hair and body, but it was necessary to keep the stitches dry. Gia turned off the faucet and stepped from the shower. She dried herself off best she could and took the plastic covering off of her bandages on her hand. She’d messed Jeffrey up good. She heard from the DA that he might try to sue her for assault.

Dirt bag.

She pulled out the hair dryer and began to dry her hair as what little energy she had left disappeared. With her hair still damp and weakness overtaking her, she dropped the hair dryer. Immediately Gunner was there opening the door.

“Are you okay?” he asked, appearing concerned and so huge in her small bathroom.

She whispered “yes,” as she held the counter.

Then she felt his hands on her shoulders.

“This happened during the attack?” He asked about her bruised shoulder and now Garrett and Wes were in the doorway, too. She saw their reflections in the mirror.


He gently glided a fingertip across the area. She shivered from the sensations his touch caused. He leaned down and kissed her shoulder as he wrapped a strong arm around her waist. She loved the instant feel of protection.

“Come with me, baby. Let’s get you ready for bed.” Before she could turn, he scooped her up into his arms and she immediately laid her head against his chest. He smelled heavenly and also comforting. She needed sleep and having Gunner hold her would help.

He brought her into the bedroom, where they had closed the shades and turned on the small lamp by the bedside table. A glass of water and some ibuprofen were sitting on the table.

“How did you know I would need this?” she asked as Gunny set her down on the edge of the bed. She grabbed hold of the towel as it nearly came undone.

“I’ve had my share of black eyes and fistfights darling, this will help,” Gunner told her. A quick glance at his face and she could see his upset over her bruises. They care. I think they really care.

She took the pills and the sip of water.

“Is this what you were planning to wear to bed?” Garrett asked as he brought over a white T-shirt and a pair of purple lounge pants. She nodded her head but then slowly began to lie down.

“Just forget it. I’m too tired.”

“We’ll help you,” Wes said. He moved closer to Gunner.

“Help me put the shirt on her. Just lift her arms,” Wes directed and Gunner lifted her arms. Just as Wes began to place the shirt over her head the towel fell. She heard their intakes of breath.

“Sweet Jesus, she’s beautiful,” Garrett whispered then climbed onto the bed behind her.

“You three better not be taking advantage of me,” she stated, suddenly feeling very awake and entirely too aroused for a recently battered woman. “I can do this,” she began to say then stood up and lost her balance. The towel fell to the floor and one of Gunner’s strong, large arms wrapped around her waist.

“Ah hell, just forget it. I can’t stay awake anymore.” She climbed into the bed, without a care that they could see her pussy, her ass, and of course her breasts in the flimsy white T-shirt. Garrett helped her get under the covers and they adjusted her pillows just right.

“Let’s leave her to rest,” Gunner stated.

“No. Don’t leave me, please.” She closed her eyes. No one moved and then suddenly she heard the rustling of clothing then the bed dip. A warm, large body moved in behind her, then came the heavy arm over her waist and a whisper to her ear. “Sleep, sweet Gia. I’ve got you.”


She adjusted her body against his and the feel of his warm breath against her head was the last thing she remembered before sleep overtook her.

* * * *

Garrett looked over at Wes, who lay on the other side of the bed next to Gia. They kept the lights low, but he could make out the concerned expression on his brother’s face. The tattoos on his arms matched both

his and Gunner’s. They had gotten them together after completing basic training, the American flag with an eagle, and they also had the words Royal Commandoes tattooed across the backs of their shoulders and a large hunting knife pointed down, over their spine.

Gia’s constant moaning and then crying awoke them. “What time is it?” he whispered.

“3:00 a.m. Should we wake her?” Wes asked as he brushed the strands of hair away from her cheek. She had nuzzled her face against his chest and then she gripped on to both of them, waking them from their sleep.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic