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“Fine, but I’m only staying for a little while. I don’t even like the games that are on today. I’m sure the bar is going to be showing the football games.”

“They sure are. It will be fun,” Sammy said then hung up.

Gia went back into the bathroom, sprayed a little perfume on her wrists, then checked her makeup. She wasn’t much on makeup. Light shadow, a bit of clear mascara, and some lip gloss. She couldn’t help but wonder if she would see Gunny, Wes, and Garrett there. She felt that nervous sensation, but then there was something else. Ever since Gunny kissed her and Garrett kissed her knuckles during the ride home from the game Saturday, she couldn’t stop thinking about them or about Wes showing affection next. He had given her a kiss hello at the fundraiser, which totally surprised her. But that hour ride home with Gunner and Garret caused some major changes in her thinking. For one, she accepted that she was attracted to the men, including Wes. They didn’t need to know that yet. It was like walking on egg shells and she feared the next step. The more Garret and Gunner talked to her about their lives, the more she liked them and thought that they were nice guys. They had even tried to talk her into dinner with the three of them that night, but she turned them down. She needed to put on the brakes. The three of them were around her constantly and she felt like she could get used to it.

She finished up, grabbed her purse and keys, and headed out.

* * * *

New York City

“Did you find out anything?” Antonio asked Franco.

“No, sir. Not yet. Just as we think we’ve tracked her down, it turns out to be the wrong person.”

“You tried running her name through motor vehicles?”

“Yes, if she owns a car or is driving one, it may be registered under another name.”

“Like who? She had no family. She never mentioned any family that I can think of. Did you question that little friend of hers? Celia Vye? She still works at the advertising firm. They were kind of close.”

“She’s not talking and I didn’t know how much pressure you wanted me to apply, considering that you recently got out of jail for assault charges.”

“I don’t give a shit how you get the information. Just get it and if you think she’ll go to the cops then you know what to do.”

“Yes, sir. I’m on it.”

Franco walked out of the office and Antonio looked out the window at the skyline. It took some schmoozing and a bit of muscle to get back into the swing of business again. He’d lost some of his more legitimate dealers because of his jail sentence, but he didn’t snitch anyone out. He served the full time for the charges and he was stronger because of it. While in jail and unable to wear his designer suits and get recognized for the superior being he was, he had learned that he desperately needed closure. He needed Gia in his life or at least to see her one more time before he disposed of her. That choice was ultimately hers. Although, it seemed his partner Valdere had become somewhat obsessed with her. Her picture hung on his walls. The perfume she wore, the clothes she wore, everything was set up in the penthouse for their woman to live. It was as if Valdere had to have her because she had gotten away and disappeared. Valdere spoke about sharing her, but Antonio had other intentions. This could play in his favor after all. But certainly, she wouldn’t come freely. She would need convincing, threatening, or whatever else. He hoped that Franco got some info on her whereabouts. That way, if she was able to form friendships, they could use those friendships to threaten her with. She belonged to him after all. She was destined to be his woman. It would be him to decide if she would be with Valdere, not Valdere. He missed her sweet body, her submissive personality, and the way she gained everyone’s attention around her. That was the kind of woman he deserved to have by his side in business and pleasure. Not some whore who spread her legs to get on top. He wanted Gia and he would have her.

* * * *


Gia was laughing at something Wes said about Garrett. His hand was on her hip and she didn’t mind one bit. Since she arrived at Casper’s, Garret, Gunner, and Wes were being very attentive and they were making her feel more and more comfortable. At one particular moment, Garrett leaned in close to her and whispered a compliment, saying he liked her outfit. As he adjusted his body in the seat, she noticed him cringe a moment.

“Are you in pain?” She asked him and his expression changed. He seemed angry. Either it was because she noticed that he was in pain or because it upset him. She wasn’t sure, but as he turned away from her, shifting his body slightly as if trying to avoid her questioning, she reached over and covered his hand. She gave it a squeeze and when he turned to look at her he seemed shocked.

As the night went on, Wes and Gunner took positions next to her or even behind her as they all conversed with their friends. Any opportunity to share her space or give her a smile or wink was taken advantage of. She didn’t mind one bit and started to give them shy little smiles in return. Nor did she mind the small featherlike kisses Wes placed on her shoulder and neck as they engaged in conversation with Garrett. She was not only getting used to their public displays of affection, but knew their intentions. They basically wanted every man around to know that she was taken. It warmed her heart and somehow made the anxiety and fear of them hurting her slowly disappear. The more they talked and the more she got to know them, the more comfortable she felt with the idea of moving forward and taking this chance with them. They were good men. And earlier she’d had the opportunity to meet their mother who was a total kick-ass-and-take-names-later woman. She was tough and the sons adored her. It was sweet to see. She wondered if the way a man treated his mom showed a lot about him. The fact that she was thinking along those lines only slightly scared her. The attraction she felt was strong. She caught herself gazing at them individually or together and imagining their large, masculine hands touching her, caressing her skin intimately. Despite their size and all those muscles and special abilities commandoes must have, she believed their touch would be gentle, passionate, and detrimental to her sanity, which was growing weak.

Just as she could tell when they were getting jealous of another man talking with her or even flirting a bit, she felt the same annoyance as women tried to converse with them at Casper’s. She wanted to say that they were hers and to get away. That, thought, she needed time to digest. That was when their mom approached and Gia had an opportunity to view them from Eve’s perspective.

The men dressed well, too. They reminded her of those calendar pictures of military men with just camo pants on and their bare, muscular chests showing. They had bodies defined from hard work, from training, and it made them stand out.

Duke and Shane came over. They started talking to her about the dojo and then their eyes locked on something behind her as she replied to them. In the corner of her eye she saw Wes.

Wes moved to the side to help with something in the kitchen and Garrett took his place, moving in beside her. She felt the palm of his hand run across her belly to her hip. His hold was possessive yet gentle.

She tilted her head up toward him as Duke and Shane began talking with Kaleigh.

“I know what you’re doing,” she whispered as he held her gaze. His fingers gently stroked her camisole and moved under the hem to touch her skin. It singed her and she gasped.

“I’m glad you do. Do you think it’s w

orking?” he asked. She glanced around them and the crowd of friends and caught sight of Sammy talking with Shane. She winked at her and Gia smiled.

“I need to use the ladies’ room,” she said then pulled slowly from his embrace. He let his hands caress along her jeans and damn it, the expression on his face was damn sexy. Her body reacted more and more to his tactics. Wes had a more straightforward, flirtatious attitude and Gunny, as everyone in his family called him, was very forward. He was the type of man that, when he wanted something, he took it. It was sexy as well, but Garrett still seemed like he was holding back. Maybe he was like her and had been hurt before.

She felt her cheeks flush and she headed to the ladies’ room. On her way out she saw Garrett looking at some photos on the wall.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic