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She jerked and turned toward him, but his face was firm, as he stared forward and as if he had every right to be touching her in such a possessive manner. She glanced at Teddy’s friends, who looked down at his hand and across at Garrett then to her. They seemed angry.

She couldn’t move a muscle. Her pussy clenched, her nipples hardened. She must have lost her mind or something. How could two men touching her at once cause such internal emotion and desire? Immediately she thought about Wes. Oh, God, I like Wes, too. I’m attracted to all three of them. How can this be normal?

The band ended their performance, snapping her out of her lost thoughts momentarily as she wondered how she missed the entire thing.

They all stood and began clapping as the players took the field for the second half.

She felt the loss of their touch, but still sensed the warmth of the connection and contact. Was this normal? Obviously she was very misguided when she had met and thought she had fallen in love with Antonio. It was almost too late when she learned his true personality. She had small flashbacks about the different things that occurred in the days leading up to that near fateful night.

The way Antonio talked about how important his partner was. How they shared everything and were in business and personal affairs together. Valdere Valencio was a womanizer and playboy. He loved women. He enjoyed having a few around him at all times, except when he visited Antonio’s home. In her mind, she recalled thinking that he came alone because he wanted her, but she had pushed those thoughts aside and focused on Antonio and pleasing his desires. She didn’t want to follow her gut instincts and see Antonio for what he really was. She had been foolish and it could have cost her.

She remembered one particular party where days before, Antonio had suggested without coming straight out and telling her that he wanted her to allow Valdere to touch her. He had said if his partner wanted to hold her hand, caress her body, which belonged solely to Antonio, she was to allow it. They had gotten into a fight about it. She’d begged him to not ask such things of her, but he did. He even went as far as to say that it would please him if she accepted Valdere’s touch.

Sitting here now, as the players prepared for the kickoff, she remembered Antonio’s words as Valdere stood in front of her, staring at her body in the evening gown.

The party was going on downstairs. She just wanted to get back to the party and the safety of the crowds. This was the beginning of the end of her relationship with Antonio.

She remembered feeling Antonio caress his knuckles against her cheek lightly as he whispered, “She is quite lovely, is she not, Valdere?”

She shivered as she remembered the way Valdere looked at her and how Antonio began to run his fingers through her hair, across her bare shoulders, and to her waist.

“May I?” Valdere asked and she recalled the intensity of his eyes. She knew he wanted to touch her and she knew that Antonio gave the permission. She had feared the results of defying Antonio or Valdere. Around the same time this situation happened, she had begun to wisen up to their business tactics and the fact that they killed to get money and destroyed people’s lives to achieve their filthy-rich standings.

How could I even consider getting romantically involved with three men? Three men who are way bigger and fully trained ex-soldiers to boot? Deanna mentioned them being commandoes. But now as they touch me so gently and caringly, do they wipe out the remnants of Antonio? Is this different?

* * * *

Teddy was so proud of his son Dale. He’d just scored the touchdown that placed them ahead in the game. He took a glance over his shoulder at Gia, who was smiling now after a few moments of looking upset. He knew those looks. She was remembering her life in New York. Although she hadn’t really told him and Deanna everything, he was certain that he knew enough, that she feared men, and now with the McCallister men interested in her, she wouldn’t stand a chance. She was attracted to the three of them, but she was still healing. He would have to maybe mention taking it slow with her to the guys. He liked them and had known them for years. They didn’t date and he had never seen them so interested in a woman.

Garrett was a hard man that rarely smiled. He kept to himself and Teddy knew he had issues from the war. But today, he smiled often at Gia. His cousin had that effect on people.

Simultaneously, the sound of multiple cell phones going off filled the air around them. It was the call he and the guys had been waiting on. Their suspects in the case they were working were spotted. He and three of the guys looked at the phones. Teddy turned to Gia.

“Honey, I have to go to work. I got that call I was waiting on. We have to get there quickly,” he said as the other three guys stood up and began saying good-bye. He watched his cousin wave at them.

“I should leave with you now to get a ride.”

“Shit! I can’t drop you off. I have to head right to the department,” he told her.

“Don’t worry about it, Gia. We’ll take you home,” Gunner said then shook Teddy’s hand and then Teddy shook Garrett’s.

“Are you okay with this?” he asked Gia and she looked so unsure.

“I trust them with you. They won’t hurt you or try anything.” She nodded her head and he leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

“Do me a favor and text me updates on Dale and the game.”

“You got it,” she whispered as she knotted her fingers together on her lap.

He hoped that she would be okay, but he really needed to get going.

* * * *

The Bulls won the game with an ending score of 21-19. Gia walked with Garrett and Gunner toward Gunner’s truck. They had an hour drive ahead of them and that’s when she remembered about Dale.

“Oh God, we were supposed to pick Dale up at the school after he returns. Maybe you could drop me off at home and I can get my car and go pick him up?” she suggested as they took their time walking. Garrett seemed a bit uncomfortable as she watched him limp a little.

“Don’t worry, darling, we’ll swing by the school to get him. We want to congratulate Wes,” Gunner told her and she turned to look at Garrett, who looked angry.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic