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Bella pressed her lips together so the giggle welling in her throat didn’t have a chance to escape. “I can’t believe you just said the word, travesty.”

“What’s wrong with travesty?”

“This isn’t the eighteen hundreds.”

Rhett’s eyes danced around. “Yeah. I noticed.”

“Well- it’s- I don’t know. I was going to try and talk you out of this inside because the second I opened the door I realized what a mistake this was.”

“Which part?”

“All of it.”

“I see.” Rhett dug the toe of his grey leather shoe into the concrete. His legs looked incredible with those sinfully worn-in jeans and that fucking t-shirt that displayed every single ab and pec and flex and shift of his glorious man muscles. He sent a tiny pebble skittering along the parking lot’s surface.

“Can we please just call this off? Can you go back home, and I can pretend that none of this ever happened?”

The way Rhett was looking at her- it was the kind of look that said she was more than just a drunken hookup when he probably needed it to get back up on that horse after being kicked big time. He was looking at her like he was there because he didn’t want round two. Or that he did, but he also wanted something more, something deeper, and no guy, and she’d dated a few over the years, had looked at her like that. Like they cared. It scared her senseless.

Rhett shifted. Of course, his t-shirt shifted too. Bella kept her eyes trained above the waist. There was no point in torturing herself, or worse, risking the chance of spontaneous pregnancy. But she couldn’t not notice the huge bulging outline in his jeans again. “Is that what you want?”

Bella forced herself to nod.

“Alright then.” Rhett crossed his arms, which caused his muscles to bunch and hunch and do all those crazy shifting movements underneath his bronzed skin. Skin that she desperately wanted to caress again because it was so, so soft, even if he was a dude. He didn’t just have the biggest- er- thing she’d ever experienced in her life, he had the softest skin.

Damn it. Now my ovaries are hurting. They weren’t the only things throbbing. Bella’s nipples, her freaking nipples, actually hurt they were so hard. She was running the risk of having them pierce through her lace bra and through her dress. Okay, so maybe her vajay hurt a little too. Because thinking about Rhett’s perfect man meat sent off a chain of chemical reactions that would shame the devil himself. Maybe shame wasn’t the right word. Maybe more like thrill… That is way too much. Way over the line. Stop thinking about his pointy stick. Stop thinking about his pointy stick doing things to my bat cave. Damn it, I am so screwed. No, I’d like to be screwed. That’s the whole point.

Bella gave her messed up head a shake before she screamed in frustration at her own inability to not be a lusty filled horndog.

“You’re staring at my dick,” Rhett said casually as if they were discussing the weather. His eyes darkened again, and those thick eyelashes swept down, giving his already scorching eyes that sexy bedroom look. “Maybe you don’t want to go to dinner because you’d rather be dinner.”

Bella tried to protest, but all she could do was splutter. Finally, she gathered herself enough to choke out an intelligible response. “Did you not hear anything this entire time?”

Rhett gave her a barely guilty look. The barely and the guilt were definitely forced. “Over the line?”

“Yeah. Really over the line.”

Rhett’s voice was dark and dusky. “Why do I get the feeling you like going over the line?”

“I- I don’t.”

“So, me eating you out in the backseat of that rental in some privately secluded area where no one is going to see us or ever find out, isn’t what you really would rather be doing tonight?”

“I- not- not if that’s all we’re doing.” She could have smacked herself in the face. What the hell is wrong with me? Honestly, she didn’t know. She’d never been like this with any guy. Ever. She was normally poised, full of grace. Controlled. Not exactly hard to get, but she didn’t just sleep with anyone.

Screw Rhett and his seducing dick. Except the problem was that she seemed in imminent danger of doing just that.

Because her nipples were now shards of glass. Her panties were absolutely drenched. Her nether regions were quivering. She was eighty percent there to an earth-shattering climax already and Rhett had expended approximately three percent effort to get her there.

“You’re right it was over the line.” Rhett swallowed hard. He somehow managed to keep a straight face, though Bella had the impression he knew all about what was going on in her lady bits and was somehow laughing at her. Cock-laughing. Was that a thing? “I’m sorry. That’s what I came here to say. That’s what dinner was really about. I wanted to thank you for taking pity on me, nearly getting puked on a few times, and uh- all the rest. I’m sorry too, for what I said after and for uh- not having a little more control. That wasn’t me. That’s not who I am.”

Tags: Lindsey Hart Alphalicious Billionaires Billionaire Romance