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I’m getting the hell out of here!

Cain frowned at me.

I cleared my throat. “I mean. . .yes.”

Still holding the knife, he grabbed my roped wrist and tugged me forward.

We headed off in the direction Noah did.

Good. I can see where this leads too. I’m going to get out of this place!

We went down a long dark hall. Wooden walls outlined it.

A door stood at the end of the hall.


There was another door on the right. When we passed it, I spotted Noah chewing on the rope. The small room must’ve been the preacher’s office long ago. Now it had been transformed into a doggy wonderland, complete with a fluffy bed and several toys.

That window looks big too.

From here, the opera song still sounded clear. I wondered if Cain had some sort of elaborate surround sound system.

Why does he play the same song over and over? It’s not a bad one, but why is it on repeat?

We arrived at the door.

He opened it and shoved me inside.

I’m out of here.

He didn’t turn on the lights.


I frowned at the stained glass walls outlining the huge space. Moonlight spilled through them, giving the room a haunting colorful glow. Meanwhile, there looked to be no way to open them. At least, none that I could see. It was just stained glass walls and one wall done in wood.

Oh, come on!

The place must’ve been some sort of elaborate prayer room. Images of praying people showed within the colorful glass.

I sure need a prayer now.

A freestanding white tub rested in the center. A toilet and sink were in the far back.

I’m going to have to try another way. Maybe, if he frees me, I can. . .take him. . .knock him out. . .long enough to get out.

It would be crazy, but I couldn’t think of many other options. When would I get another chance?

I showed him my wrists. “I need the rope to be cut off.”

He closed the distance. “I see the thoughts running through your mind.”

I parted my lips but didn’t say anything.

He cut the rope away. “Unless you’re fucking Bruce Lee with martial arts, I recommend you give me no trouble.”

I swallowed.

“It’s been a long night, due to you.” He yanked the cut rope away. “Don’t push my patience to violence.”

Okay. . .maybe I’ll try to rush him later.

If I showed I was being a good girl, perhaps he would keep my wrists untied.

I sized him up, knowing that there was no reality where I could whup his ass in this bathroom.

He twisted the knife in his hand. “Go ahead. I’ll be right here.”

Come on, man. Give me some privacy so I can escape.

He remained there.

Keeping in my groan, I headed over to the toilet, unzipped the body suit, and pulled the top part down past my hips. I yanked down the stringy thong next and then sat on the toilet.

Cain kept his gaze on me the whole time as if daring me to say something.


Annoyed and embarrassed, I urinated in front of him.

Just awesome.

This reminded me of back in the day when Quin and I lived in the Victoria Park bathrooms. All through the night, we not only had to piss in front of everyone, but they had to go in front of us. It would be a constant melody of flushing and grunting.

And the odors weren’t the best either.

When I finished, I wiped, stood, and flushed. Right when I was about to pull the bodysuit back up, Cain shook his head. “Take your clothes off.”

I stared back at him in horror. “The. . .um. . .bodysuit?”

He didn’t repeat himself.

I pulled it down and let the garment fall to the ground. When I kicked it off, I gazed back at him, hoping he wouldn’t tell me to take off the tube top or crystal stringed thong next.

He raked his gaze over me. “Take everything else off too.”

Damn it.

I went to my tube top and wrenched it up over me. I dropped that to the floor. Next, I pulled down the thong. The long string of crystals clinked against each other. I tossed them to the ground too.

There, I stood naked and exposed in front of him.

Cain’s eyes dipped to my bare breasts, then slowly lowered to my pussy.

I gulped down fear.

He sucked his bottom lip between his teeth.

Okay. . .so. . .please don’t. . .rape me or anything.

Cain crossed the room. He moved like a man who was perfectly in tune with his body.

What is he going to do?

He stopped right in front of me. Only two inches ran between us. If he wanted to violate me, I was right there for the taking. One lift of his hand and it would be on my naked body.

I shivered from all the dark possibilities.

His deep voice brushed over my bare skin. “Stealing from us was a dangerous and stupid move.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance