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West leaned over. His gaze hit my nipples. “You’re going to fuck your debt away? Those tits are nice, but 50k nice? I’m not sure.”

Griff licked his lips. “I wouldn’t shut the idea down completely. I would forgive at least 10k if her mouth worked my cock right.”

“You hear these idiots?” A dark chuckle left Cain. “They think you’ll still be alive after my dick is done with you.”

I blinked. “I-I could get the money from my friend in four days and give it straight to you.”

Cain spoke through clenched teeth, “Get it before then.”

“S-she won’t meet me any earlier.”

“Why not?”

“Because that’s how long it takes her to clean it.”

“Interesting.” He moved his hand from my neck. “Put your hands up.”

I did.

He handcuffed them.

“W-wait.” I tried to leave the bed. “I swear to God.”

“It’s true. You should pray to God. But, I’ve found that it’s a waste of time.” He slung me up by the handcuffs.

My breasts bounced as I stumbled and then stood. “P-please, this could work.”

Cain yanked my top back over my breasts. “You come with us.”

He was going to torture and then kill me. I could see it in his eyes.

“Please.” I tried again. “My plan could work.”

“Sweetheart, I’m the only one that makes the plans.” His angry face was the last thing I saw.

Someone hit the back of my head. It must’ve been Griff.

Lights exploded behind my eyes and then everything went completely dark.

Chapter 4

Off to Never-Never Land



ntense rock music woke me first.

Erratic drums vibrated through my bones. A distorted electric guitar zipped through an aggressive melody. It sounded like a song someone would play for a mosh pit or to summon the devil.

The smell of marijuana hit me next.

Where am I?

Pain thumped at the back of my head. My mouth was closed shut, but I didn’t know how. I tried to move my lips and couldn’t.

What happened?

Cool wind whipped against my hair and skin. My body rocked side-to-side in a seat. I was in an awkward sitting position—my upper body leaned to the left on something and my legs lay straight on something else.

The drums calmed and a singer came on, belting out odd lyrics. All I caught was lyrics about blood and sacrificing somebody’s heart. It could have been a dark play on a love song.

I moved and realized something bound my wrists and ankles.

What the. . .

Still waking up, I opened my eyes.


Within moonlit darkness, Cain sat next to me, smoking a joint and rocking his head to the crazy song. We were in the backseat of a truck that was speeding down an empty road with no street lights.

My legs rested on his thighs. Rope tied my ankles together.

I checked my wrists and spotted rope there too.

God, no.

I blinked my eyes, regaining some sense of consciousness. I tried to move my mouth again. It stayed closed against a strip of duct tape.


Cain took a long hit of his joint, extended his hand in front of him, and spoke to someone. “Here!”

I froze.

Another hand grabbed the joint.

I followed that hand. It belonged to Griff. He sat in the passenger seat right in front of me. He had his window open. While he smoked, he had his other arm outside of the window, waving his fingers up and down.

I shifted my view to the left.

West drove, gripping the wheel with his left hand. He insanely bobbed his head to the music so much so that I feared we would wreck. When the drums went crazy, he did too, slamming his right hand against the wheel to the rhythm.

“This shit is fire, man!” Griff passed the joint back to Cain.

I thought Griff was talking to Cain about the marijuana, but then West yelled, “You really like the song?!”

“Hell yes!” Griff shoved his head out the window. “My brother is going to be a fucking rock star!”

Okay. Griff and West are brothers. Are they related to Cain too?

I didn’t know how that would help me, but any information could get me out of this.

I have to get away from them. Think.

I directed my view back to Cain and froze.

The devil had been watching me. His blue eyes were bright and glowing against the truck’s darkness. “You’re up.”

I tried to speak. It only came out as mumbles.

Uh. . .I wonder. . .have you warmed to my idea.

I doubted it.

He wagged his finger. “Your time to talk is over. We’ll have another conversation later.”

Do we have to?

Rage blazed hot in those blue eyes. Still watching me, Cain placed the joint to his full lips and inhaled. A tiny spark of orange glowed at the tip and then climbed up the white length. He pulled it away.

How do I get out of this?

He exhaled through his nose. Two small streams of smoke left his nostrils, twisting and twirling upward around that gorgeous face. The wisps almost formed into smoky horns before smashing into the truck’s ceiling.

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance