Page 17 of Claimed

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Kelsey’s eyes swiveled toward the gun. She clenched and unclenched her hands, trying to twist against the rope that was tight around her wrists. I have to get that gun. I have to get hold of that fucking gun!

She realized she was shaking beneath the weight of James’ body. Get off me! she wanted to scream. Get your disgusting, sweaty body off me, you fucking bastard!

No. Stick to the plan. Lull him into complacency. Get the gun. That’s all that matters.

“James?” she said softly, working to keep her voice low and soothing. “Can I get up now, please? It’s hard to breathe with such a strong man on top of me.”

James lifted himself on his arms and stared down at her, a small smile curling his lips. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I guess I don’t realize my own strength sometimes.” To her relief, he rose from the bench. Kelsey closed her eyes to avoid looking at his naked body and glistening cock while he untied the ropes from around her wrists.

She brought her arms over her breasts and hugged herself as she watched him pull on his underwear and pants. Was this her chance? Did she dare roll from the bench and sprint for the gun? Even as the thought formed in her head, James, still shirtless, reached for the gun and tucked it into his pants pocket.

Okay, so she missed that chance. There would be others. She had no intention of meekly submitting to this deluded maniac for a second longer than she had to. Meanwhile, she just needed to play along. Just a little longer.

James held out his hand. Swallowing her revulsion, Kelsey forced herself to accept it, letting him pull her upright.

“I need a shower,” James informed her. “You can shower with me. I’ll let you soap up my cock and balls. Would you like that, Kelsey?”

Kelsey blinked. Seriously?

Play the game. He’s nuts. Go along.

“Yes, James,” she lied. “That sounds really hot.”

Chapter 5

The hot water felt good spraying down over her body. If only she had been alone in her own apartment, she would shower for hours, scrubbing away every hint of James’ defiling touch. Averting her eyes to avoid looking at James’ hairy, muscular body in front of hers, Kelsey reached for the bar of soap.

James stopped her, placing his hand firmly over hers. “I’ll do that. I’ll wash your body and then you can wash mine.”

Gee, thanks.

“Put your hands on top of your head,” James ordered. He gripped her wrists, guiding her arms into position with strong hands. Kelsey had no choice but to obey. She closed her eyes, trying not to let her face show the rage and disgust she felt as James ran unwelcome hands over her breasts, under her arms and down her stomach.

He crouched in front of her in the large shower stall. “Spread your legs so I can wash your pussy and ass.” Kelsey tried not to shudder as his fingers invaded her body. He scrubbed between her legs with soapy fingers. He rubbed for a long time over and around her labia, one finger worrying at her clit. If he was trying to arouse her, it definitely wasn’t working.

Maybe this was her chance. She would jerk her knee upward, smashing it under his chin and knocking him backward so she could make her break. Before she could act, James stood and reached for her arms, which he forced around his body as he held her in a tight embrace.

“I’ll teach you, darling,” he murmured against her ear. “I’ll teach you how to be more sexually responsive.”

She wanted to spit in his face.

Finally he let go of her and stepped back. “I’ll wash your hair. Sorry I don’t have the right shampoo for you yet. I know you like those floral ones.” He squirted shampoo into his hand and rubbed it on her head. “When I go to your place later, I’ll get your shampoo and other stuff you need.” He worked her hair into a lather as Kelsey absorbed this pronouncement. The thought of James slithering around in her apartment made her shudder.

“You cold, sweetheart? Here, let me make the water hotter.” James adjusted the faucet and continued lathering her hair. His calling her sweetheart was like fingernails screeching down a chalkboard. How dare he call her that?

The gun. The gun. The gun. Kelsey’s eyes slid to the door of the shower stall. Through the steamed glass she could just make out the weapon resting on the counter.

“Turn around and rinse your hair,” James said, stepping back a little. “Then you can do me.”

Kelsey rinsed her hair, taking as long as she dared, jittery with dreaded anticipation of what she knew James expected of her. Finally James grabbed her wrists with an impatient gesture. “Okay. Good enough. Here.” He held out the bar of soap. “Soap up my cock and balls. I want you to give me a hand job. God, Kelsey. You have no idea—” his voice cracked. “I’ve imagined us together like this a thousand times. I can’t believe it’s finally real.” He pressed on her shoulders. “Go on. Get on your knees. And look up at my face while you do it. Lick your lips while you stare up at me. Show me you like what you’re doing.”

Tags: Claire Thompson Erotic