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“You want me to fly to your home world. Very well. That is an excellent idea.”

“Oh, god,” I groan. This is bad. This is worse than bad. Has humanity finally gone too far? Our entire history has mostly been going almost too far, and then somehow making it through anyway, but now I’m worried we might have actually seriously fucked up. It was only a matter of time, really. I never thought I’d be the one to lead a furious fleet to Earth.

“I don’t think you should fly there. It’s probably very far out of your way. Don’t you have an office manager or somebody you can send? Or, I know, send an email.”

“What is an email?”

“It’s an electronic mail. They’re very popular on Earth.”

“Oh, no, I think this is a message that should be delivered in person. And I think it is time you learned the price of betraying me.”

“I didn’t betray you! I did what I could. I did the best I could.”

“You would think that, wouldn’t you, human. Do you know what I am going to do with you?”

I shake my head wordlessly. I don’t want to know what he is going to do with me. I don’t want to know. But of course he tells me anyway.

“You will stand in their stead. You will be punished. You will be put on display. You will be taken in every way, every day until I am satisfied that humanity has atoned for what happened here today.”

There is steel in his voice, a cold determination that makes me certain to my core that he means what he says. Then he turns away.

“Leave seven detachments on the surface to remove all the construction and defend the wild ones. Construct what barracks as may be necessary, but keep such construction to a minimum.”

I listen to him giving his orders, squirming naked, knowing what comes next, and anticipating it will be rough, and hot, and painful.

* * *


She could have fled with the other humans. She didn’t. She chose to stay behind, and to face me and my wrath. Does she know what that says? To me it indicates that she knows she is mine and that she has chosen me. As angry as I might be about what I suppose is a betrayal of a kind, I am far more pleased that she is here, waiting, like the good little human pet she is. But that does not mean she will escape without discipline. It would disappoint her if she did, I am sure.

“Naughty little human animal,” I growl, watching the flash of delight in her eyes and the heat flushing her cheeks and chest. She loves this. I learned that about her early on. The crueler and harsher I appeared to be, the wetter she got and the more she enjoyed being mated.

I put her down on the floor, turn her about, and push her down onto her knees. From there, she knows what to do. She stretches her hands out in front of her and slides her face down toward the floor until her hips are raised and the pink slit of her pussy is presented to me. This is what she gives me when she knows she has been naughty. Her ass and her cunt are perfect for pleasure and punishment, and I will inflict both upon her now.

Pulling the belt from my waist, l loop the buckle end around my hand and whip the longer part through the air to make very satisfying contact with her ass.

“You failed me, Penelope. You let the humans escape. You helped them escape.”


She’s lying. Of course she’s lying. She loves to lie to me. She thrills to this human disobedience. I lash the belt through the air again and watch, satisfied, as the end of it makes hot contact with her cheeks. There are two thick pink lines across the center of her cheeks. It is a good start, but there needs to be more.

I stripe the belt back and forth across her ass several more times. She does not try to escape its bite. She does not try to jerk her hips away, or beg me for forgiveness. If anything she lifts her ass a little higher and spreads her legs a little wider and moans to the floor of the shelter.

This human has driven me to distraction from the very first moment I met her. She has never done what I thought she would do. She has never behaved in a predictable way. She has been strong. Stronger than I ever understood a human could be.

It would have been preferable for her to obey me and deliver the humans to me, but I suspected she would not. She has run them off, and that is a start, though it is not the end. The wild planet must be protected, and humanity must be taught a lesson. Starting with this little captive brat.

Tags: Loki Renard Fantasy