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Hyde reached around her to open the door to the shop. The little hats swung, and bells sang merrily. “You’re so badass,” he commented, as he waved her inside. “And total trouble.”

She grinned at him. No one had ever called her badass before. She liked it.

She glanced down at the message from Savage. We’re talkin about this when we’re home. Stay the fuck away from her. And stop buying books.

She caught up a basket and began going to the familiar tables to pick up the items she needed. This was her favorite store, and she knew where everything was. But she couldn’t resist answering him. She knew better, but she also knew she was driving him crazy.

I did watch a few porn films to learn technique.

She added several items to her basket, moving quickly through the store. Tea. One could never have enough tea, and if she was going back and forth between houses, she would have to stock up at both places.

What the hell? Did you get off?

He was such a perv. She should have known he would ask her that. Sabelia was at the counter checking out a customer, but she looked up and waved. Seychelle waved back.

It depended on the film. That wasn’t true. And she wasn’t going any further.

You don’t need books or porn when you have me to ask. We talked about this. Why didn’t you ask me?

He could type so fast. She was so not going to tell him that reason. She already felt so inexperienced around him. She bit down on her bottom lip hard. How was she going to answer that? This had gone from fun to suddenly embarrassing, and it was her fault. She’d opened a can of worms. Did she want him to know about her nights alone in her house when she watched over her parents, trying to learn about sex when she felt absolutely nothing at all? Nothing. She was cold. Lifeless. She always felt so dead inside.

Then her dating life. That had been a disaster. Kissing. Ugh. Letting a man touch her? That had been worse. She definitely didn’t want that conversation with him. She’d found porn and tried various types, hoping something, anything, would appeal to her. That’s when she’d discovered what her body responded to. It had been rather humiliating finding out watching a man do certain inappropriate things to a woman made her body come alive.

Savage had discovered those things for himself, or at least, he was discovering them. She still wasn’t certain she wanted to know how far she—or at least her body—was willing to go. Her head screamed no. Well, that wasn’t exactly true either. She was just confused about what she should be feeling. She knew for certain she loved Savage and she wanted to be with him. The rest of it, she still had to work out in her mind. She also knew she couldn’t let him consume her, and he would if she didn’t stand up to him. Fortunately, Seychelle’s nature was simply to go her own way when she wanted. She might be a pleaser, but only to an extent. Then she totally pleased herself.

She was next in line at the counter. “Sabelia, it’s so good to see you. How are you?”

“Doing good. You?” Sabelia’s gaze jumped from Seychelle to Hyde, who was at the back of the store, seemingly not paying attention, his gaze on his phone.

“Great.” Seychelle put the heavy basket on the counter gratefully. “I love this store. Everything about it, especially the way it smells.”

Sabelia smiled, a genuine smile, something Seychelle realized was rare. The smile lit up Sabelia’s pale face. Her thick black hair had been pulled back into a simple ponytail, taming the wild silk and accenting the beauty of her bone structure.

“I love it too. It’s my favorite place to be. I never mind working late hours. Hannah lets me study here. She’s the best boss.” As if it embarrassed her to admit it, Sabelia began to hastily ring up the items in the basket.

“I don’t suppose you’re learning any great hexes you can put on a man to scare the crap out of him?” Seychelle asked, mostly to make her laugh. Hannah would lift an eyebrow and ask her what she was referring to. Sabelia would pretend to consider it. “Maybe give me a few lessons.” She glanced over her shoulder. Sure enough, the snitch, Hyde, was texting away.

“What kind of hex?” Sabelia asked, a smirk on her face, instantly dispelling her previous embarrassment.

“Remote control for certain body parts.” Let Hyde text that one to Savage.

Hyde coughed, and both women immediately acted concerned.

“Would you like a drink? I can get you something very special that will help with that,” Sabelia offered solicitously.

Hyde stepped back until he was pressed against the wall, shaking his head. “No, thanks. I’m good.”

Tags: Christine Feehan Torpedo Ink Romance