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“What’s he upset about?” Lana asked, her gaze fixed on Savage as he struck with the whip, turned in a circle and struck a second time, hardly having time to coil the whip in between.

Seychelle whirled around. She hadn’t even heard her come in. “We had a fight. Though you couldn’t actually call it a fight because it takes two people to do that, and Savage dictates. This is one of many that doesn’t look like it’s going to get resolved. He said things. I said things. Not good things.” She pressed her lips together and turned to look back at Savage.

“Seychelle,” Lana said softly. “This isn’t good. I can see, just looking at him, this is serious. Can you talk about it? Maybe I can help.”

Seychelle shrugged. “Apparently, it’s club business, not between us, so I’m certain you’re going to hear, as are all of the other club members, just not me. I overheard him talking to Czar and someone wants to kill him. He won’t discuss that with his partner. Me. Although if it was the other way around, he would expect me to immediately confess any threats to him. I don’t agree. Some things aren’t just the club’s business, Lana. They are between partners as well. I shouldn’t be locked out of the important things in his life. Someone wanting to kill him is important. If he can’t see that, I don’t see how we’re ever going to last. It won’t matter how much I love him; in the end, I’ll feel so far apart from him there will be no going back.” She shrugged. “He can’t see that I have certain emotional needs and if he refuses to meet them, no matter how much I love him, I won’t be able to stay.”

“Savage isn’t going to be able to handle life without you very well. Give him time. This is the first time he’s ever fallen in love. We all know it’s very real and it’s going to be the only time for him. Let him think it over. He’ll figure it out.” But she sounded worried. “Come on, honey, you don’t want to keep the ladies waiting.”

Seychelle knew Savage wasn’t going to change his mind. She felt utterly sad and defeated as she followed Lana outside to a very sporty Porsche.

“How is Tessa doing?” she asked. Lana had taken in an eighteen-year-old girl they’d rescued from a man named Brandon Campbell.

“She’s coming along nicely. We’re taking it slow, working on her self-esteem. I take her to Blythe’s so she can hang with Darby and Blythe when I’m gone and I can’t be with her. Sometimes I have her go to Crow 287 to help Alena out. She’s really interested in fashion design, so she works with me at the shop when I’m there. She’s good too, Seychelle. I think, eventually, we can put her through school. In the meantime, she can intern with me. The most important thing is to keep working on her self-worth. She has to believe in herself. She went from a mother who abandoned her, to a drunken father who molested her, to Campbell, who all but mesmerized her with his voice into thinking she was worthless.” Lana had gotten more and more indignant on Tessa’s behalf.

“I’m so glad she has you. And your house is safe? Brandon can’t get to her there?”

“No. You’ll have to come by sometime. It’s really quite lovely and very secure. Most nights Alena stays as well. Tessa is very safe.”

“Good. Thanks for taking her in, Lana.” Seychelle un-buckled her seat belt as Lana pulled the Porsche into a parking slot just in front of the Floating Hat. The tea shop was one of Seychelle’s favorite places in Sea Haven. “I appreciate the ride.”

“Anytime. I’ll see you later.” Lana waved as she drove away.

Seychelle stood on the sidewalk staring after the Porsche, debating whether or not she wanted to go right into the Floating Hat and face the ladies inside. Sometimes just walking helped, but she knew they were waiting for her, and she hated letting Doris down.

Doris Fendris was bringing a woman by the name of Phillis Gimble with her to introduce her into their circle of friends. Phillis and Benjamin Gimble had been attacked when a band of robbers had come to Sea Haven targeting the elderly. Phillis still had trouble leaving her home. Anat Gamal, Player’s mother-in-law and the adopted grandmother of Torpedo Ink, had also been attacked. She had insisted Phillis come to tea with Doris to meet Seychelle. Both women were doing their best to help Phillis overcome her fears.

The other woman being introduced into their circle was the “snobby” one who had recently moved there from Los Angeles, who the group had discussed at an earlier time. Rebecca Jetspun had run into the woman, Ava Chutney, and she seemed lonely and sad. Rebecca felt sorry for her and, before she knew it, had invited her to high tea. She had texted everyone that she was very apprehensive afterward but was determined to try with Ava.

Tags: Christine Feehan Torpedo Ink Romance