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He sinks deep with a single thrust and a moan.

And the eerie silence in the cabin fills with the heady sounds of our long-awaited reunion.

* * *

“Calla …”

“Calla, wake up.”

I groan as a hand jostles my shoulder.

“Seriously, Calla, you’ve gotta see this.”

“What time is it?” I murmur, unwilling to open my eyes.

“Almost one a.m.”

I let out a second groan, this one louder and laced with heavy annoyance, as I pull the blanket over my head. It was after eleven when we drifted off on the futon, our naked bodies boneless and coiled together, wanting to stay near the fire rather than climb the ladder to the loft. “That’s five in Toronto. If I get up, I’m screwed for the night.”

“You’re screwed either way. Get up.”

The hint of excitement in Jonah’s voice is what has me unfurling myself and peering into the darkness. Jonah must have stoked the fire because the vibrant glow from the woodstove provides enough light to see.

He looms over me in nothing but a pair of sweatpants that hang low on his hips, showing off that intoxicating V of his pelvis. My hormones spike instinctively and I reach for him, my fingertips grazing his belly button, the dark trail of hair, lower … until I’m palming his flaccid but still impressive length. “Come back to bed.”

He chuckles but takes a quick step out of my reach. He tosses my leggings, shirt, and plaid jacket at me, then reaches for his own shirt. “After. We’re goin’ outside.”

“You’re kidding me, right?” I tug on my clothes and trail him to the door, stopping long enough to shove my feet into my boots and pull on my parka and gloves. I make a point of shivering loudly as I follow him into the frigid cold, the shock of its icy fingers like a slap to my cheek.

All my complaints vanish the second I take in the shimmering green and blue lights that sway and surge and dance in the clear night sky, illuminating the expanse of stars above us and the frozen, snow-covered lake below.

“The northern lights!” I exclaim, mesmerized. It’s as if the heavens have come to life.

Jonah shifts to stand behind me, draping his arms around my body, cocooning me in his warmth. “This is one of the best places in the world to see them.” He presses his lips against my cheek. “That’s why I wanted to bring you up here.”

I gape at the spectacular light show, stunned. “Is it like this all the time?” I can’t even see the stars back home, the city lights too bright.

“On a clear, dark night? Yeah, there’s a good chance you’ll catch them, especially in the winter. But you have to be watching for them.”

“God, this is … incredible! I need to get my camera—”

“No.” His grip of me tightens, keeping me in place. “I’ll bring you up another time and you can sit out here all night, freezing your ass off and taking a million pictures. I promise. But tonight, this is for you and me. It’s our moment.” He rests his chin on my head. “The first night of the rest of our lives.”

I relax into him. “Does everyone know you’re such a romantic?”

“Shut up.” His deep chuckle tickles my ear. “I figured you’d like seeing this.”

“I love seeing this.” I curl my gloved hand around his. “Thank you.” Is this what a life with Jonah means? Will he whisk me away to remote places and shown me awe-inspiring wonders? Things I had no idea about and things I may have heard about but never realized how much I would appreciate?

Because if that’s the case, I’ll never get enough of this new life with him.

His arms squeeze me tight. “Merry Christmas, Barbie.”

I tip my head back to catch his lips with mine. “Merry Christmas, you big, angry yeti.”

Chapter Five


Tags: K.A. Tucker Wild Romance