Page 46 of Bewitching the Duke

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“Thank you, Your Grace.”

He opened his eyes and smiled. “I believe we agreed you would call me Colin in private.”

“This is hardly private. Anyone might overhear us and assume things about our relationship that are not true.”

“You are indeed a wise woman, Miss White.” And a woman who seemed to have bewitched him. He had to find a way to break that spell before he did something disastrous.

Chapter 12

Selina waited until dark before creeping back into the house. While she may have gained access to his lands, he would still be furious to discover she lived right under his nose. Or maybe that was above his nose. She giggled slightly as she tiptoed up the servants’ stairs to the third floor.

Opening the door to her room, she found a plate of cold chicken and bread. She kicked off her boots and then sat at the small table to eat. She devoured the food, after saying a quick prayer of thanks for Mrs. Roberts’s support. Once finished with dinner, she moved to a chair near the window and reflected on the day.

With permission to roam his lands restored, she should feel happy and settled. But all she could remember were the turbulent emotions she’d felt with his long, tapered fingers clutching her wrist. His possessive grasp had sent tingles of longing through her body. And knowing he wasn’t engaged only made things worse. There was no reason to deny the desire she felt for him. If offered the opportunity, she would welcome his advances.

Selina laughed softly. As much as she might feel a passion for him, she knew he did not reciprocate the feelings. She picked up her wineglass and sighed. Now that was a damned shame.

A slight knock scraped across her door. “Come in.”

A young woman not more than twenty tentatively entered the room. “Miss White?”


“Oh, thank God,” she said, rushing toward her. “You must come with me quickly.”

“Who are you?” Selina asked. This was not one of Colin’s maids.

“I’m Ann. Lady Katherine’s maid. She needs you. Something’s wrong with her.” The girl’s blue eyes implored her to hurry.

“What’s wrong with her?” Selina asked as she picked up her bag with herbs and other assorted remedies.

“She’s bleeding bad, miss. At first I thought it was just her monthlies but now I’m not so sure.”

The breath expelled from her lungs. They moved up the wedding date. And now she knew why. “We must hurry.”

As they raced down the servants’ steps, she asked, “When did she start bleeding?”

“Just after dinner. She’s cramping too.”

She ran down the hall. “Which room?”

“Fifth door on the left, miss.”

Selina refused to wait for the girl who seemed unable to keep up with her pace. Just as she reached the main hall, she ran into a hard body. Large hands gripped her shoulders and kept her from falling. Not now, she thought.

“Get out of my way, Colin.”

“What’s wrong with my sister?” he demanded.

“I won’t know until I see her. But the last thing she needs is her brother hovering over her bed. Go back to your study, I’ll let you know after I’ve seen her.” Selina twisted out of his grip and moved past him. She reached for the door handle only to have his hand pull hers away.

“I am calling for the physician.”

“Do what you think is necessary,” she shouted as her anger increased. “It will take the man an hour to get here, assuming he’s sober. Right now, I’m the only one here with any experience in these matters. Now, please let me do my job.”

He opened the door. “I will be waiting in my study.”

She strode into the room and took in the scene before her. The dowager duchess sat on the side of her daughter’s bed crying hysterically. Selina placed her bag on the nightstand and turned toward the woman.

Tags: Christie Kelley Historical