Page 45 of Vexing the Viscount

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“You took me to a whorehouse?” she whispered to Middleton.

He looked down at her with a grin. “This is no whorehouse. Come along and I shall introduce you.”

He started to tug her toward the people in the room, but Tia wouldn’t budge. “I have no desire to be introd

uced to anyone in this room.”

“I believe I told you earlier that if you chose to become my mistress, you would go where I wanted you to and act appropriately.”

Tia wanted to turn around and leave him and these people, but knew she had to try to help Jonathon. “Very well.”


He escorted her into the room and brought her to a woman in her early forties. “Mrs. Ellsworth, this is a friend of mine, Miss Featherstone.”

The woman scanned Tia from head to toe, before nodding her head with a slight smile. “A little different from your usual, Middleton. But glad to see that horrid rumor of your reformed ways was false.”

Tia glanced up to see Middleton tighten his jaw before replying, “I guess a true rake can never be reformed.”

Mrs. Ellsworth only laughed. “I haven’t met one yet.”

Middleton nodded and pulled Tia away from the rude woman. Tia wondered at her remarks, though. Before she could question him, Middleton introduced her to several other couples who all seemed as rude as Mrs. Ellsworth. Tia couldn’t understand why he would even want to attend this party.

“Excuse me,” he said softly near her ear. “I need to speak with a friend of mine alone for a minute.”

Tia’s shoulders sagged. The idea of making idle conversation with any of these people was enough to make her feel ill. She sipped her wine, praying no one would attempt to speak with her.

“So you are Middleton’s latest.”

Tia turned at the sound of a woman behind her. She pressed her lips together to keep her mouth from gaping. The woman was petite with delicate features and perfectly coiffed blond hair. She was, from what Tia had heard, what every man wanted in a woman.

“I suppose I am,” Tia finally remembered to reply.

“I am Lady Penelope Harty.”

Tia gave a quick curtsy. “Tia Featherstone.”

Lady Harty’s brows rose slightly. “You do not seem his type at all.”

Tired of hearing the same comment from several people, she asked, “And exactly what does that mean?”

Lady Harty giggled in a high-pitched tone. “Oh my, surely you know of his reputation?”

“Apparently I do not.”

“Why, after I jilted him, he seduced nearly a hundred women in only a matter of a few weeks. It was dreadfully scandalous.”

Tia closed her eyes. She’d heard the rumors of his lascivious behavior, but this was far worse than anything she had imagined. “And why did you jilt him?”

Her cheeks reddened. “I was forced to marry an earl. Middleton was just Mr. Tavers at the time of our relationship.”

An older man who appeared to be in his late fifties and dreadfully overweight waddled up to Lady Harty. “Introduce me to your new friend, Penelope.”

“Miss Featherstone, this is my husband, Lord Harty.”

Tia curtsied quickly. The lewd look Lord Harty sent her made her feel uncomfortable. She made a fast excuse and sought the security of Middleton. She scanned the room for him, but did not see him in the small group.

Oh, God, he wouldn’t have left her here alone, would he?

Tags: Christie Kelley Romance