Page 44 of Vexing the Viscount

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“Everyone will know,” she whispered.

“Yes, they will. That is what I told you before you agreed to this plan.” His harsh voice told of his own frustration.

“I know you did,” she said softly. “But now . . .”

“Now it’s real.”

She nodded slowly. Warmth filled her hand as he clasped it between his. He squeezed her hand gently.

“It will be all right, Tia,” he murmured near her ear.

If only she could believe him. “Thank you.”

He brought her gloved hand up to his lips and kissed her hand. A long moment of silence filled the carriage, stifling the air around them. Finally, he asked softly, “Are you in love with Jonathon?”

Was she? Two days ago, she would have said yes without a thought. But after learning about his relationship with Emily, Tia doubted he had any true feelings for her. And she wondered if she ever truly loved him.

“Forget that I asked,” he muttered.

“I was thinking about your question.”

“It wasn’t difficult. Either you are in love with him or you are not.” He pulled his hand away from hers and crossed his arms over his chest.

“I learned something about him this morning and it may have influenced my feelings for him. Yet, I don’t know for certain that it’s true.” And why did he care how she felt about his brother?

“You’re being very cryptic, Tia.”

“A woman is with child and it might be Jonathon’s baby.”

He leaned his head back against the velvet squab and sighed. “I’m not terribly surprised.”

“Oh? I had always heard you were the lascivious rake in the family.”

He inched away from her. “Perhaps I am,” he replied coldly.

Why did his answer make her want to question him further? The tone of his voice had changed. His entire demeanor had stiffened. Were the rumors of his behavior exaggerated? She doubted he would tell her the truth.

Instead, she moved her gaze to the window. “Where are we going?”

“Mrs. Ellsworth’s house.”

“Is she someone important?” She should know these things if he wanted her to attend with him.

“No. She’s not important at all.”

“Then why are we going?”

“Because I said we were going,” he answered tightly.

Tia released a soft sigh. Apparently, he felt no need to make her feel comfortable at the party.

“Is there an issue?” he asked.

Before she could answer, the carriage slowed to a stop. The door opened and Middleton jumped out. So much for letting him know how she felt about the situation. He held out his hand to help her down. As she attempted to pull away, he clasped her hand tighter and then folded her arm around his to escort her inside.

Only a few carriages lined up to release passengers. She wondered where all the people were for the party. It was close to nine. The party should be crowded by now. The door opened as they walked up the steps.

Tia heard a few voices resonating from a back room. The butler glanced at them both and gave a quick nod. Middleton escorted her down the corridor. The room opened before them and Tia’s mouth gaped. There were only about twenty people in the room. The women were clad in garish gowns that barely covered their breasts and several sat on the laps of gentlemen.

Tags: Christie Kelley Romance