"Hello," I say, apprehensive at best.

"Hey, is this Abby?" a woman’s warm voice asks.

“This is her.”

"My name's Griffin. I'm the manager over at Home Brew. I heard you were looking for a job and we are in desperate need of a hostess. Do you think you might be able to come over now and we could have a little chat? I know it's short notice, but I'm hoping to hire someone for next week. So if we could talk now..." I smile, my shoulders instantly dropping. "That's awesome," I say. "And yeah, I'm free right now. I can be over there in just a few minutes."

"Perfect," she says. "I'll be expecting you."

I end the phone call and fill Lemon and Plum in.

"Why don't we walk over there together," Lemon says. "I'd feel better about that. I think Bartlett would be mad if I let you out of my sight."

I smile, appreciating her concern. And together the three of us walk down Delightful Drive.

Home Brew is a bustling restaurant and bar, and I can imagine working here the moment I step inside the rustic space. The interview goes great. And Griffin is as nice as Lemon told me. She offers me the job if I want it, which I do.

"Perfect," she says. "So, if you can start on Monday, that would be fantastic. The last hostess just had a baby and isn’t coming back, so that will work out amazingly. It's just four shifts a week but there's room for more. And if you like it, you could always end up being a waitress."

"That's great. I don't have any experience as a waitress, so starting as a hostess would be really good," I tell her.

"Okay, also, here's my number. And let me know if you have any other questions. Otherwise, I'll see you at noon on Monday."

"Perfect," I say, feeling lighter when I leave than when I came.

Lemon and Plum already went back to her house and so I pull out my phone to call Bartlett and let him know where I am when I realize he's probably already back at the hardware store.

I take a right to go around the corner when someone tugs on my wrist. I pull in a sharp breath, caught off guard, knowing Bartlett would never touch me so roughly because even though his last name suggests otherwise, he's the most gentle man I've ever met.

"There you are," my father, Baron, hisses. "You are one hard person to track down."

My eyes narrow. "Let go of me," I shout as he drags me into the alley behind the brewery. "Let go of me, Dad."

His truck is behind the brewery. My heart falls, realizing the circus semis may have headed to Burly, but my father and Ricky stayed behind, determined to find me.

Ricky jumps out of the truck when he sees me. "You have no idea how pissed I am at you. You’re supposed to be mine," he growls. "Mine. Your dad promised you to me and you knew that good and well."

"I'm neither of yours," I say, knowing the last thing I want is to return to a life with these two men. Men who kept me caged. After falling for Bartlett, I know what it means to be free – to be accepted and seen for who I am – and I can’t go back to this. To them.

"Well, that's what you think," Ricky laughs.

“Let go of me!” I shout at my father.

Ricky reaches for the gun at his hip. Then points it to my back. "We don’t have a show without you, which means you’re coming with us.”



Lemon calls as we leave the police station.

"Hey," she says. "So, Abby went to an interview at Home Brew. Plum and I are back at my house. I just wanted to give you the 411; that's where she's at."

"You left her there?" I say. "Lemon!"

"She's fine. She's with Griffin."

"I know, but how long ago was that? What if the interview's over?"

"You think she could be in that much trouble?" Lemon asks. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was that serious."

I need to get to Home Brew. I need to get there now, already rushing down the street, Reuben next to me.

"The thing is, Lemon, Graham's patrol guys saw some big trucks and semis come in about an hour ago with the Big Top Circus logo on the side headed to the Burly Fairgrounds, but one of the trucks split.” Fuck. I need to find my girl.

"Shit," Ruben says. "Griffin's outside. She's not with Abby."

We stop Griffin outside of the brewery, asking where Abby went.

"She just left here a few minutes ago. Sorry, was she supposed to go somewhere else?" Griffin shakes her head, frowning, confused.

"Do you know which way she went?"

"Honestly, I have no idea," Griffin says. "I was too preoccupied with getting these menu boards out for tonight's specials."

Tags: Frankie Love Romance