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And I couldn’t care less.

“What do you want, Dannie?” I say in my coldest possible voice.

“I was in the neighborhood. Okay, I came with friends to watch the game. Amazing job. Anyway, since I’m here, I wanted to apologize for that huge misunderstanding. I honestly thought I was helping Fia and doing the right thing.”

“You know,” I say, “I’ve given a lot of thought to what would make a person accuse a dad of stealing his own daughter.”

“Well,” she chuckles judgmentally, “you still don’t actually know if she’s yours.”

“She’s not stolen, Dannie.”

“True. Good point. And that’s why I’m here. After tonight, I think your stock went up, and I’m willing to offer two hundred thousand for a spokesperson deal.” She steps in close, our bodies almost touching. “I’ll throw in a few other perks, too,” she whispers, attempting to sound seductive.

“You didn’t let me finish,” I say, keeping up the disdainful tone. “I finally figured out why you went on social media and tried to turn the world against me.” I narrow my eyes. “You figured you could use my name to get free publicity. And what better way to show how dedicated your daycare is to the well-being of children than to make the world believe you helped save a stolen baby.”

Dannie shrugs. “Well, you were no good to me as a single-daddy spokesperson if you weren’t going to keep Fia. But hey, look how great it all worked out. You’re the belle of the ball. Hot Daddy Dean again.”

“They took her away from me,” I snarl.

“You got her back.”

“You are an evil human being. I wouldn’t even let you watch my houseplant.” I walk away.

“Fuck you, Dean,” she says.

I mutter under my breath, “No. Fuck you, Dannie.” She didn’t even notice the news camera right behind her, waiting to interview me. They heard everything. Probably recorded it, too.

I smile. Dannie is definitely about to get some publicity. Karma is a bitch.

I leave behind a mob of reporters who are talking to the Coach and my teammates. My eyes scan the parking lot until they lock on the two most beautiful faces on the planet. My girls.

Lara rushes over and greets me with a big hug, sandwiching Fia between us. “Dean, that was awesome!”

“Careful. Don’t squish my lucky charm,” I say and give Lara a kiss. I then peck Fia on the top of her soft little head.

“Why don’t we go out to celebrate?”

“Sorry. I’m meeting up with the guys. You can sit for me tonight, right?” I watch Lara’s happy expression melt into disappointment.

I need to work on my jokes. “I’m kidding. I already have plans. With you. In your bed. And a certain payment you owe me.” I wink.

She smiles. “You’re mean, Dean Norland.”

“Or am I a sexy, sexy man who just made three touchdowns?”

“That, too.”

“Can we stop by my place, though? I want to pick up some fresh clothes for Fia and myself.” Tomorrow, we’ll figure out where we’re going to stay and the next steps after that. Larry already left a message, saying he got in touch with that detective. I have to meet him at the station tomorrow to make a statement. It’s going to get messy, but I was expecting that.

“Dean, I’m really nervous. What if that Tony guy shows up at your apartment?”

“He’d have to be a complete moron to try anything. For all he knows, my apartment is being watched, and so are we.” That was the point of going public. The police will be looking for Tony, and if he’s smart, he’s going to keep a low profile. “Mike and Igor also invited a bunch of people over so there’ll be too many witnesses.” As for Lara’s place, Tony might’ve seen her face during the game, but he doesn’t know who she is. Yet. We should be safe for tonight, but all the same, I’m going to keep an eye out for him.

I lean down and press my lips to Lara’s soft mouth, lingering a bit. My need to take her to bed is instant. “We need to hurry. I’m pumped full of testosterone and victory. If I don’t fuck you soon, I’m going to explode.”

“Dean Norland, that is so unromantic.” She pauses. “And so very hot. I’m in.”


I’m in good spirits when I pull up to Dean’s place with Fia in the back seat of my SUV, but I’m also on my guard despite the fact that Dean’s just ahead of me in his truck and there are still several news crews parked out front. I think one of the crews even followed us from the stadium.

Dean doesn’t seem to notice them lurking, hovering, yelling out stupid questions, but I do. They’re annoying as hell. Except for right now. I feel safer with them around. I saw what that psycho-creep Tony did to Fia’s mother, and while I fully back Dean’s choice to go public, I know it comes with risk. Until Tony is caught, we have to be careful.

Tags: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Romance