Page 3 of Unexpected Mates

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She’d never had a man look at her like that before, and the fact that Tyler MacKeltar was doing it was blowing her mind. She needed to get it together, though. She needed a clear mind for the night ahead.

Parker finally managed to tear her gaze away from him, and her heart sank like a stone when she saw that Hannah and Wendy were standing next to him. Hannah was smirking at her, and as she watched, Wendy leaned in and said something in Ty’s ear, causing him to tear his gaze from Parker and look at Wendy.

Parker could only imagine what Wendy was saying to him. Parker’s confidence, already almost nonexistent, withered away a little more. There was nothing she wanted to do more at this point than run, but she couldn’t. She’d agonized over the decision to come back to Eagle Creek, and then once she’d made up her mind, she’d driven two days to get here. She was exhausted, mentally and physically, but this had to be done.

Just maybe not now.

Calling herself a coward, Parker steeled herself and moved toward Tyler, nerves threatening to overwhelm her. She’d say hello and then beat a path back to her hotel room, where she could hide in peace.

She took in Hannah and Wendy, looking supermodel gorgeous, both currently alternating between smirks and glares at Parker. Chase and a man Parker didn’t know seemed to be with the group. Chase gave her a wave and she smiled at him in return. Chase had been in her grade in school, and while they’d never been friends, he’d always been friendly. Parker hadn’t run in the same circles as the MacKeltars or her sister and her friends. They’d always been the popular kids, and Parker had been the more than chubby nerd with books as her only friends, besides Tiffany.

Parker reached the bar, trying her best to focus on Ty and ignore the others. She took a deep breath, trying to dispel some of her nerves and not stutter like a fool.

“Hey, Tyler,” she said, her voice coming out so soft, she wasn’t sure if he’d hear her over the jukebox.

“Parker,” Tyler replied, his deep voice sending shivers down her spine. He shot a glance at the others before turning slightly away from them. “I was hoping I’d see you again.”

He had been? Parker felt a flush spreading as her body warmed. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. “I don’t come back to Eagle Creek often.” Shooting a glance at the rest of the group, who all seemed to be avidly trying to listen while pretending they weren’t, Parker moved a little closer to Ty. “I was hoping we could talk sometime soon. Maybe tomorrow?”

Ty studied Parker for a moment while she squirmed. Finally, a small smile spread across his face, changing his features completely. His face was usually set in harsh lines; even when they were in high school, he’d seemed serious and a little bit angry. She’d never seen him smile much, and the softness the smile added to his features was enough to steal her breath.

“I’d like that,” he said. “Maybe we could grab dinner? Let me give you my number, and we’ll set up a time.”

Ignoring the glare she was receiving from Wendy, Parker pulled her phone out of her purse and handed it to Tyler, watching as he put his number in. He called his phone before handing it back. “So I have your number, too.”

Parker put her phone up and gave him a tremulous smile. She’d gotten what she wanted. Time to get out of here. “Thanks, Ty. I’ll talk to you soon.”

Parker turned without looking at the rest of the group, making her way out of the bar. Once outside, she slumped against the wall of the bar, trembling and breathing deeply. That hadn’t been so bad. She would have rather spoken to him without Hannah and Wendy glaring at her the whole time, but she’d done it.

She took a moment to calm her racing heart before she started the walk back to the hotel. It was July and a nice night, still a little on the cool side but she liked it. No one knew she was back in town yet, not even her sister or parents, so she was staying at Eagle Creek’s lone hotel. She let herself back into the room and set her purse on the small table before sitting on the bed.

She hoped Ty kept his word and called her tomorrow, although she was still nervous about seeing him again. That was nothing new, though. People always made her nervous. Except she hadn’t really been, that night four months ago. She still wasn’t sure if it had been the alcohol in her system or just magic in the air, but she’d been able to talk to Ty like she was rarely able to talk to anyone.

Talking wasn’t all they’d done, though.

Flushing with the remembered heat of that night, Parker put a hand on her stomach and took a deep breath. For a long time, that night had felt like a dream. She’d had a major crush on Tyler when she was in school, but he’d never even known she existed until that night in Crazy Pete’s. And then suddenly, it was like all they had been able to see was each other.

Ty had been her first, and he didn’t even know it.

Parker’s phone dinged and she sighed, reaching for her purse. It was probably a work thing. Being a graphic designer allowed her to work from home, which she needed to keep her social anxiety at bay, but it also meant that work followed her everywhere.

She pulled her phone out and froze when she saw it was a text message from Ty. He’d texted her. And he hadn’t even waited until tomorrow, like she’d asked. She took a trembling breath and opened the message.

I’m really glad you came in tonight-Ty

A smile crept over Parker’s face as she leaned against the headboard, getting comfortable.

I’m glad I came, too-Parker

She grimaced as she hit the send button. Couldn’t she say something interesting for once in her life? Her phone dinged again almost immediately.

I’ve been looking for you. I didn’t know your last name-Ty

Parkers breath caught. He’d looked for her later? She felt a glow take her body. They hadn’t spoken of personal stuff, only life in general, so he hadn’t known she didn’t live here anymore. She quickly texted out a reply.

You have? My last name is Leighton-Parker

She stared at the screen, the anticipation making her almost dizzy. She’d slept with Ty, and yet here she was, giddy over texting with him.

Tags: Grace Brennan Paranormal