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Laughing, she opened the door farther and stepped back. “Would you like to come in? Have breakfast with me?”

He hesitated before he walked over the threshold. “Are you sure you have enough?”

“Of course. I always cook more than I can eat. Have a seat and I’ll get you a plate. Do you want some tea? Or maybe some orange juice?”

“Orange juice is fine, thanks,” he replied as he sat down.

She quickly plated the food, sitting it and their cups down. She took her seat, freezing when he said, “You’re wearing your glasses this morning. I like them.”

Raising her eyebrows high, she asked, “Really? I didn’t think guys liked glasses.”

“I don’t know about other guys, but I like them,” he said with a shrug.

Thank goodness. She wouldn’t have to try to wear her contacts again. They ate in silence for a moment before she spoke again. “Do you fix houses and barns and such for a living?”

He nodded as he chewed and swallowed. “That’s part of it. I work with wood, for the most part. I also whittle and carve things. I sell stuff in some shops in town, as well as online.”

“Are you any good?” she asked, then closed her eyes with a slight shake of her head. What a stupid question.

“I think I’m pretty decent,” he replied with a half-smile. “And sales suggest other people seem to think so. What do you do back in England?”

“I’m a clinical scientist. I work in a lab, matching patients with possible organ and bone marrow donors.”

Confusion filled her as he dropped his eyes, nodding and going quiet. She waited, but when he didn’t respond, she took a deep breath and tried again.

“What else do you like to do? Besides work and train for the fights?”

“That’s about it,” he said with a shrug, continuing to eat quickly.

She tried to get him to engage more, but he didn’t say much of anything else after that. Thinking over it, he went quiet after she told him she was a scientist, and the thought that he might not like what she did was disheartening. Being a scientist was more than just a job. It was who she was. She basically didn’t exist outside of the lab.

Straightening her shoulders, she reminded herself of the truth of who she was. She was a scientist, first and foremost. The whole reason she was spending time with Seth was so she could figure out the truth of the supernatural elements he possessed. It wasn’t because he was breathtakingly handsome, or because he had lickable biceps, and she would do well to keep that in mind going forward. It didn’t matter whether he liked what she did or not.

But thinking of the biology involved in what he might be made her suddenly wonder what happened when they were sick. Surely, at some point, blood was drawn and they were tested for something. If he had an animal living inside him, his DNA would be different.

“Have you ever had the chicken pox?” she asked, grabbing at the first illness that came to mind.

His eyes shot to hers, full of surprise. “No, I haven’t. I don’t really get sick. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, just curious. The scientist in me, I guess. I thought I’d heard chicken pox were going around here.”

Eyes narrowing for a moment, he shrugged as he put his fork down. “I don’t get into town much. But I won’t get sick. Don’t worry, your barn will get finished.”

“I wasn’t worried about that. Would you like some more? I have plenty.”

“No, thanks. I’m full, and I better get back to work. Thanks for breakfast. It was really good,” he said as he pushed back his chair and stood.

“Do you mind if I stop by later, check out the progress on the barn?” she asked as she walked him to the door.

Surprise passed quickly over his features, and he hesitated for a quick moment before shrugging. “Sure, that’s fine. I’ll see you then.”

Closing the door, she leaned against it with a sigh before going to clean up the breakfast mess. Asking him about chicken pox didn’t get her any solid information, although it was interesting tha

t he didn’t get sick. Still, she was no closer to an answer than she had been before she asked, because she knew of some regular humans who never got sick. He could just have a strong immune system.

But at least she tried to find another clue, or even an answer. She’d lost sight of her purpose with Seth for a brief moment, only thinking of this attraction she had for him, but she was determined to not do so again. She was spending time with him so she could hopefully get answers, not because he was walking, talking sex on a stick. Nodding to herself firmly, she ignored the annoying little voice inside her, saying that was a lie.

Seth hammered a new board in place, but his mind wasn’t on the barn. He kept thinking about what Amelia did for a living. For a brief moment, he actually considered taking Cammie’s advice and listening to his animal. But that was before he learned what Amelia did. A scientist. She must be super smart. Genius level compared to him. He never even finished high school. He was right when he said she was too good for him.

Tags: Grace Brennan Rocky River Fighters Paranormal