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He kissed her again when they got inside and she lost the battle before it had ever begun. She woke up hours later her body aching in ways it had never done before with all her gymnastics routines. He slept on beside her, the sound of his breathing in the stillness a shocking reminder that she had never once shared another human being’s bed.

Her hands stole to her cheeks. They felt hot in the darkness. She was blushing. No surprise that, not after what they’d done. He had thought she was experienced and the overwhelming passion he sparked in her had lent credence to that belief.

She edged out of the bed and tiptoed into the bathroom. She took a shower, washing a body that showed the signs of his loving. She closed her eyes against the evidence and finished cleansing herself. Stepping out of the shower she saw herself in the full-length mirror opposite and went completely still.

The woman staring back at her was not the Elisa she had always known. This woman was a stranger. A sensual stranger. Her nipples were still hard and they ached slightly. There was a small mark on her breast. She remembered that kiss… He’d gone a little wild when she begged him to make the ache go away.

Those legs had wrapped themselves around a man with fierce urgency. Those hands had clung to his shoulders with all the strength of the supernatural, or so it had seemed. And that secret place between her thighs had experienced the most amazing pleasure she’d ever known had welcomed him into her body with greedy need.

She felt different. As if she was connected to him on a spiritual level. Her emotions were engaged. Oh, yes, they were. She’d fallen in love so fast, she would doubt the reality of her feelings if they weren’t so strong.

But what did he feel? He did have experience. He’d been to bed with countless women, she would bet. Could tonight have meant anything to him the way it had to her? She was terrified of going out there to find out that it didn’t. Was he still asleep? He’d been sleeping soundly when she came into the bathroom. Maybe she should just get dressed and call a taxi go back to her hotel. Avoid the whole morning-after awkward thing.

He’d said and done nothing to make her believe that the night was more than the temporary slaking of physical lust on his part. He couldn’t love her as she loved him. Not a man so special and sexy.

He had women crawling all over him. A night of lovemaking that meant everything to her would mean nothing to him. She couldn’t blame him. Despite years of avoiding casual sexual intimacy, she hadn’t asked for any promises. He’d given none. He hadn’t pretended to be in love just in need.

Turning off the light before she opened the door she let her eyes adjust to the darkness before stepping into the bedroom. She didn’t want to wake him.

Her clothes were scattered all over. She headed toward a pile of white she guessed was her


‘Cara I missed you. Come back to bed.”

She stopped in the act of bending over to pick up that promising bit of fabric.

‘I think maybe I should go.”

He moved so fast she didn’t see him coming, but between one breath and another he was out of the bed and best de her.

He swung her up into his arms. ‘you should stay.”


‘But what cara?”’

The feel of his hair-roughened chest against her side was already impacting on her ability to think. ‘

‘you… I … ” .

‘Si. You and I . We are a couple and I do not like sleeping alone when my girlfriend is within reaching distance.”

His girlfriend? It had meant something to him was her last coherent thought as his sensually demanding mouth settled over hers.

She was so happy over the next four weeks she was sick with it. She spent a few extra days in Milan. He called her every night and several times a day for the next four days before showing up to stay a long weekend with her. She took personal leave and went back to Milan for a few days. He took her with him on one of his business trips to New York.

It was a magical time, right up until she started losing her breakfast.

She wasn’t on the Pill, and the first time they made love he’d lost control and not remembered to use a condom. He’d never done so again and neither of them ever said anything about that single lapse, but it had consequences.

Consequences she frankly welcomed. The idea of having Salvatore’s baby enthralled her.

She made a special dinner for him in her apartment the night she planned to tell him. He was flying in from Milan with the intent of spending two nights with her and she couldn’t wait to see him again.

She had the door open before his hand could fall for the second knock.

His smile was lazy and tender. ‘you missed me codolcezza.”

Tags: Lucy Monroe Billionaire Romance