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An hour and a half later, all fifty residents are safely on the ground while my men are busily putting out the last of the flames.

I’m the last one down to the ground and instantly go check on my boys. “What’s the damage?” I ask our fire chief.

He lets out a sigh and shakes his head. “Would you believe it if I told you it was a meth lab?”

Disappointment shatters through me. Three-quarters of this building gone, a woman in the hospital, and a shitload of people all without a home all because of drugs?

It’s an issue we’ve been dealing with more and more. When Anton Mathers, Henley’s biological father, was put away, that put a stop to drugs being imported into Haven Falls and the surrounding areas. It kept our town clean for a while until people realized that in order to get the hit they wanted, they were going to have to source their drugs from somewhere else.

Overnight, everyone and their fucking dog became a dealer, and with that, came all the dumbass suppliers.

This marks the fourth drug-related incident this year.

It’s fucking pathetic.

I shake my head as the fire chief and I start heading back into the building to check it out for ourselves, and what we find is no doubt going to end up on the evening news.

When is this bullshit going to end? Haven Falls is better than this.

“Alight, Noah,” Chief says as we exit the building. “I’ll handle this one from here on out. You go be with that woman of yours.”

“Are you sure?” I ask, not wanting to allow myself to get excited in case he changes his mind.

“I’m sure, kid. The danger is gone. You got the people out safely, and all of our men have lived to tell the tale. You’ve done your job. Now go and be with your wife.”

I nod my head and within the blink of an eye, I’m running.

I throw my gear into the fire truck, knowing the boys will take it back to the station and get it sorted for me. I’m covered in black ash and I doubt anyone is going to let me anywhere near my wife or a newborn baby for that matter, but I’m going to try.

I get myself an Uber and dive through its door before finally giving myself a second to breathe.

I’m about to be a father and I couldn’t be more excited. I feel as though I’ve been waiting my whole life for this. You know, there was that one moment in high school where I thought it was going to happen and that terrified me, but now? This is the real fucking deal and I couldn’t be more ready.

The driver pulls up at the hospital and get my ass through the doors as though my life depends on it, and really, it probably does. After attending to so many pregnant women over my time as a fireman, I don’t bother for directions and race to the maternity ward, desperate to be with my girl.

I find a long hallway with closed doors and wonder which she’d be behind, but I don’t have to wonder long as I find Rivers sitting halfway down the hall. I race towards him and the closer I get, the clearer his facial expression becomes.

Rivers hears me coming and looks up. “About fucking time, man,” he grumbles.

I glance down at my phone. “It’s only been four hours.”

“Yeah, four hours of your wife sounding as though she’s about to murder my fiancé.”

My brows furrow. “What?” I say as an ear-shattering scream comes tearing from the door I stand before.

“WHERE THE HELL IS HE?” Henley roars, loud enough for the people over in Broken Hill to hear.

My eyes widen like saucers as I look down at my best friend. “Yeah,” he grunts in a knowing tone. “It’s that fucking bad. You better get your ass in there before she comes looking for you.”

Well, shit.

With that, I do my best to clean myself up and get my ass through the door.

Chapter 2


Another contraction tears through me and I scream out as the pain becomes intolerable. This must be what death feels like. Surely this is me burning in hell for the stupid shit I’ve done during my short life.

How are all those women out there saying that having a baby is the most natural and beautiful thing known to man? Are they insane? This shit is torturous, and trust me, one look at what’s been going on down in my lady business, and I’m sure everyone will agree that this shit ain’t natural or beautiful.

It’s horrendous. Downright, terrifyingly horrendous.

I dig my nails into Tully’s hand, trying to relieve the agony that tears through me as she does her best not to curse me out. I don’t doubt that I’ve left five little semi-circles on her skin. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve even drawn blood, but she stands tall, giving me all the support I need despite how much I’ve been hating on her stupid, twin brother.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance