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I shake my head in horror. “I’ve got no freaking clue.”

“Go check,” he says in fear.

“Nope. No way,” I breathe, slowly backing out of the open doorway, only to be stopped by my husband with a firm grip on my ass.

He looks across at me. “It was just a fart, right?”

I shake my head again knowing damn well that Elijah hasn’t shit since last night and I’ve been waiting for it to happen all morning, but Noah doesn’t need to know that. “Definitely just a fart.”

“Alright, fine,” Noah says, putting the stroller down and handing me the diaper bag. “I’ll check, but then we need to get going, otherwise Tully’s going to start the party without us.”

I smile wide. “You know I love you, right?”

Noah rolls his eyes as he starts creeping towards the babies, though the way he seems to hold back tells me that he can certainly smell that it was more than just a fart. I find myself creeping in beside him, as curious as ever to see the damage.

We look down at the boys and we’re instantly relieved. Maybe it was just a fart after all; a stinky one though. Noah crouches down and instantly goes for Elijah and I realize that he must have realized that it’s him I’ve been waiting on. Maybe my husband is a little more clued in than I thought.

There’s absolutely no sign of shit leaking from the sides of his diaper. Elijah looks just as handsome as the day he was born. So, with that sorted, Noah scoops him up into his arms and hands him up to me to save me having to get all the way down there myself.

I grin down at my little boy as Noah grabs Ethan and we work on getting out of here. Only as Noah straightens himself out, wrapping his arms securely around Ethan to keep him safe, the realizations hits.

It wasn’t Elijah at all.

Baby shit soaks through the back of Ethan’s shirt and out the sides of his diaper with shit literally running out the bottom of his shorts and down his legs.

Noah’s eyes widen in horror as he’s able to feel the warm and gooey wetness on the back of his arm. “No,” he begs, looking at me wide-eyed, hoping that what he’s feeling isn’t true, but as he looks down at the playmat and sees the evidence for himself, his whole world comes crumbling down.

I hold back a grin. I never thought I’d see the day where my strong as fuck, inked husband would be taken down by a bout of baby shit. Noah has always been larger than life in my eyes and he still very much is. I’ve never seen him scared, but in this particular moment, he’s absolutely terrified.

“So…” I say slowly, taking a few discreet steps back with Elijah, “We’re just going to go.”

“Don’t you dare take another step, Spitfire,” Noah warns as the grin finally rips across my face. He somehow manages to get Ethan in his other arm while avoiding his poo explosion. “What do I do?”

“Well, I’m just going to put it out there that there’s no way on this green earth that you’re going to get anywhere close to me until you’ve had a shower. In fact, I think you should both have a shower while I pick out everyone’s new outfits and clean up this mess,” I say, pointedly looking down at the shitty playmat.

“Everyone?” he questions through narrowed eyes as he puts Ethan back down on the safe side of the playmat and starts undressing him.

“Well…yeah. The boys need to match.”

Noah rolls his eyes. “I should have known.”

Ten minutes later, Noah and Ethan are in the shower and I find myself constantly barking out sharp laughs at Noah’s commentary. I haven’t had the pleasure of showering with either of the boys yet, but from what I can hear, it seems that it can be a little slippery.

I get Elijah dressed in his new outfit before setting him up on a new playmat and grabbing a towel. I head into the bathroom and do my best to tackle my clean little man out of my husband’s arms and fifteen minutes later, we’re all in the car ready to go.

We get to Tully and Rivers’ place and I can’t help but smile up at their home. They’ve been living here for nearly a year now, but every time I see it, absolute joy tears through me. I’m still so happy for them that they’ve been able to figure it out. It was rough for a while and I thought that Tully was never going to find her happiness, but then Rivers came back and healed her heart before filling it with all the right kinds of love.

We make our way down the driveway and a blast from my past stares back at me. Rivers’ Firebird. Only, it no longer looks like the crumpled metal mess that it was the last time I saw it. In fact, it looks brand freaking new.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance