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First, he’s going to walk into the center of my living room and his eyes are going to roam over my face with concern. The second he realizes that I’m fine, his expression is going to soften and warmth is going to spread into his smile. Then, he’s going to ignore my ranting as he raids my fridge and eats everything I own, and just when I think he’s good to leave, he’ll hurry down to my bathroom to chuck a shit. I mean, I love him and all but why does he have to do that in my bathroom? He has a perfectly good one at home.

He’ll swiftly stink out my home and then drop down on the couch beside me before telling me all about his day. I’ll never actually admit to him, but hearing him talk so animatedly about his job and the adventures he gets to go on is what I look forward to most. You know, apart from receiving these letters.

The door opens and I expect Noah to walk across the room as he’s done every other day, but then I feel his heavy gaze trained on me by the door and I can’t help but raise my chin to figure out what the hell he wants.

My eyes snap up and the second they do; my whole fucking world is rocked.


It’s not Noah at all.

I suck in a deep breath as a smile spreads wide across my face. Rivers just stands there, staring at me as though he can’t believe what’s right in front of his eyes. “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he whispers into the silent room, shaking his head in disbelief.

With his letter clutched firmly in one hand, I throw the horny stick figure blanket off me and fly to my feet as best I can before rushing towards him, but in my excitement, I miss one very important thing – his surprise. His very fucking big surprise.

Only it seems it’s not something that I have to remember as he does all the work for me.

Rivers’ brows drop down in confusion as he throws his hands out and gestures down my body. His eyes bug out of his head and despite his confusion, I can’t help the overwhelming joy pulsing through me. “What the fuck is this?” he demands. “Did I miss something?”

I come to a stop just a few feet in front of him and glance down at the seven-month baby bump protruding from my stomach before looking back up at the shocked man in front of me. I bite my lip as a sheepish expression crosses my face. “I told you I had a surprise for you, didn’t I?”

His mouth drops open before he closes it only for it to drop right back open once again. His eyes rake up and down my body, staring at me in disbelief. “You’re pregnant,” he whispers, still trying to make sense of what’s right in front of him.

My arms circle my stomach as I give him an encouraging smile and slowly take another step towards him. “I am,” I murmur, starting to get a little nervous. I mean, we had only just gotten back together before he had to leave and now I’m springing a baby on him. “I found out about two weeks after you left.”


“Yeah,” I smile. “We’re having a baby.”

“This is real? You’re not pulling some sick prank on me? There’s really a baby inside that sexy body of yours?”

“Yes, you dork,” I laugh, taking another step and allowing him to slowly come to terms with the fact that we’re two months out for having a child. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you in our letters, but I couldn’t stand the thought of not telling you this in person.”

Rivers shakes his head in wonder as a smile slowly spreads across his face and suddenly, he’s standing right in front of me, pulling me into his arms and crushing me against his chest. “I fucking love you, Tullz,” he says with a laugh. “We’re going to be parents. We’re having a fucking baby.”

I pull back with tears of joy pooling in my eyes as I look up into his intense, stormy eyes. “You’re ok with this? You don’t hate me?”

“How could I ever hate the woman bringing our child into this world? I’ll admit it, I’m a little confused and…shocked maybe, but babe, I’m fucking ecstatic. I knew I wanted this with you since I was eighteen years old and for so long I thought I’d never get it.” His hands gently come to rest against my stomach as he stares at it in wonder. “This is a fucking gift, Tullz. You’re a fucking gift. I’m just sorry that I haven’t been here to help you with it.”

“Don’t be sorry,” I whisper. “As long as I knew that you were coming home, I could handle just about anything this baby threw my way.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance