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‘Are you ok?’ Rivers mouths, reaching across the couch to place his hand on my knee.

I nod as I slip my hand under his and weave my fingers between his. ‘More than ok.’

Rivers’ eyes narrow in curiosity and I see the questions piling up in his mind. He’s clearly very intrigued by this sudden change of heart, but he’s not about to do anything to push me and risk ruining this moment.

I’m about to tug on his hand and ask him if we can go and talk when Henley gets up and steals my attention. “Where’s Aiden and Barker? I thought they’d be showing up at some point,” she yells over her shoulder as she heads into the kitchen to grab everybody another round of cocktails.

I spin around on the couch and look through to the kitchen as Rivers’ thumb runs back and forth over my skin, making it nearly impossible to concentrate. “They’re probably halfway to Vegas by now.”

“What? What the hell for?”

I shrug my shoulders while trying to remember what Aiden had told me the other day, only it’s harder than I thought because it was right after Rivers had left my apartment and my mind was otherwise occupied. “Umm…I think he said something about his little sister’s 21st.”

“Oh, yeah. That’s right. Now you mention it, I think I recall him saying something about a Vegas trip. Did Barker go too?”

I scrunch up my face, feeling like an awful friend for not knowing all this. “Maybe. I don’t know to be honest. I think they’re in the middle of being off in their on-again/off-again relationship.”

“Shit. Really? I hope he’s got someone there with him. Aiden loose in Vegas is not a good mix. He’ll probably get a taste for glitter and become a showgirl.”

“Actually, I picture him as more of a burlesque dancer,” I laugh. “But don’t worry. I’m sure Spencer is probably there to keep an eye on him.”

Rivers scoffs. “Really? First, the dickhead is shacking up with my cousin and now he’s out partying in Vegas?”

“Give Spencer a break,” Henley tells him. “The poor guy just had his heartbroken by the love of his life.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? He broke up with Tully. She’s the one who should be out partying and living it up, not him.”

Henley’s head comes shooting out of the kitchen, leaving her body hidden behind the wall. “WHAT” she gasps, staring at me as though I’ve committed the ultimate betrayal.

I wince before scowling at Rivers. “Really? You just had to go and open your big mouth.”

He grins down at me before tugging on my hand and pulling me into his chest. “Sorry,” he laughs, kissing my temple. “But I’m done letting you play games. No more holding anything back because it’s not been doing you any favors. Besides, there’s nothing better than watching you squirm.”

I shake my head and rest into his chest. “You know, despite what everyone keeps telling me, I kind of hate you.”

“Yeah,” he laughs. “I hate you too.”

Chapter 14


There’s nothing better than sitting amongst my pack. The original four. It’s as though we’ve come full circle. We started strong, then I fucked it all up and after four years, we’re finally able to get back to where we started. Though, things have changed and we’ve all grown in our own ways, it will never change the fact that these are my people.

Tully sits curled under my arm as Noah and Henley argue about the finer details of their honeymoon. It’s as though neither of them was actually there and they’re making it up as they go. Either that or they each went on separate honeymoons because the way they’re both recapping it is as though they’re telling me two completely different stories.

“So…” Henley says slowly, turning her gaze on Tully after Noah gave in and let her tell her story the way she wanted. After all, she’s drunk a little too much to bother arguing with. When Henley’s like this, sometimes it’s just better to admit defeat. “Who’s up for a game of ‘Ultimate Truth or Dare?”

A grin spreads wide over my face. I’d recognize that look in her eye anywhere and from the way Tully’s head is shaking against my chest, I’d dare say she knows exactly what Henley’s up to. “I’m in,” I declare.

Noah laughs as he grins at his twin sister. “Count me in, too.”

“No,” Tully says. “No way.”

“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten how to have fun,” Noah questions. “Or maybe you’re just a pussy now.”

Tully grabs a cushion and launches across the room at her brother only she misses and it smacks Henley fair and square in the face, though she doesn’t seem to care. “I’m no pussy, Noah Cage. I’m the furthest thing from it. I just don’t feel like having you three fuckers gang up on me. Don’t act as though I haven’t worked out your little game. You idiots are so predictable.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance