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“The fuck? What do you mean she’s lost weight?”

Henley’s voice comes through the line again and I realize I must be on speakerphone. “You know, Spencer isn’t as bad as you think he is. I would have abandoned Noah too had he been all caught up on his ex.”

“She’s not my ex,” I throw back at her.

“Not officially,” she chimes. “But you were hers and she was yours. Tomato/tomato.”

“Why hasn’t anyone answered me about my fucking sister losing weight? Put her the fuck on the phone.”

I ignore his last demand. “I don’t know man. Her shirt was tight around her body last week and now…it’s not.”

“Shit,” Henley says, sounding a lot closer to the phone. “Something must have happened.”

“What do you mean? Nothing’s happened. I’ve been keeping an eye on her.”

“Right,” Henley scoffs. “Because she’s really going to tell you all about it. Do you forget who we’re talking about here?” I roll my eyes. The girl has a point. “The only things that could cause such a big reaction out of her is either her store or Spencer, and I seriously doubt it’s the store. She must have ended it with Spencer.”

I raise a brow as my eyes flick back up to my girl to find her eyes still on me. “Nah, there’s no way,” I say, but it might actually explain why she’s looking a little more alive.

“I don’t know,” Henley mutters. “With you back…I guess anything could be possible.”

Well shit. In that case, I don’t have time for listening to these two bullshit about a statue’s tits. I should be in there figuring out this Spencer stuff. “Alright, I’m going to get to the bottom of this,” I tell them.

“Yeah, alright,” Noah grumbles. “Just…if she did end it, take it easy on her. She’ll be hurting.”

“I know how to handle my girl.”

“Maybe. But she wasn’t your girl for four years. She’s changed.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, brother,” I tell him. “And Henley? Stop making my boy touch the tits of random statues.”

“She’s not random. She’s Juliet.”

“So? The pussy only wants to touch yours.”

With that, I leave them to their honeymoon and get on with it. Apparently, I have a bit of a mystery to solve.

I get up from the bench and slide my phone back into my pocket and as I cross the road towards ‘Read My Tulips’ Tully hasn’t stopped watching me and the second she realizes what I’m doing, her eyes practically bug out of her head.

‘No, no, no, no, no,’ she mouths to herself as she starts shaking her head, making a smirk cut across my lips. She doesn’t look terrified like she had last time, but she certainly doesn’t look as though she’s about to welcome me in with open arms, but I don’t care. The time for waiting is over. If she’s through with Spencer, then I’m not sitting back and wasting any more time. I’ve got a girl to win back.

The closer I get, the more her head shakes, but there’s a flare of excitement hidden within her eyes. I’ve always been unpredictable and hell, so has she, but this is the kind of bullshit she fell in love with. She’d never admitted it but back in high school, she used to love it when I’d storm in and take control and from the way she’s looking at me now, I’m sure she’s busy looking deep within herself and searching out that old attitude she used to reserve just for me.

I push my way through the door and without taking my eyes from hers, I storm right up to her, hating that I have to resist touching her. I miss the old days where she’d just naturally fall in beside me or I could just throw her over my shoulder and go, but it won’t be long and we’ll be right back there again.

Tully sets her jaw and raises her chin before crossing her arms over her chest, unintentionally pushing her tits up and drawing my attention away from her fiery eyes. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

My eyes rake back up her body before stopping on her eyes to find them shining with a strange mix of pissed off excitement. “Get your shit. You’re coming with me.”

She raises a brow before letting out a sharp laugh. “Excuse me? Who do you think you are coming in here after four years of radio silence and pulling this alpha bullshit on me? I don’t think so, Rivers. That shit ain’t going to fly with me, not anymore.”

“Tully,” I say slowly, narrowing my eyes on hers. “I’m not asking. Get your shit. Let’s go.”

She leans forward onto her counter and smirks at me as though I haven’t said a word, but the fire in her eyes tells me she loves every moment of this, and fuck it, I do too. “I’m not sure if you’ve realized,” she says, sweeping her arm around and gesturing to her store. “I’ve got a store to run now. I can’t just grab my shit and go because some douche comes storming in here demanding my attention. Besides, did you consider that I don’t want to go anywhere with you?”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance