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The sound of her tortured sobs on my shoulder mixed with the words she just spoke will haunt me for as long as I live. “It’s ok,” I tell her, holding her a little tighter. “I hate me too.”

We sit in silence as I promise myself that I’ll do whatever the hell it takes to make it up to her. I hate her hurting and I hate her confusion. She used to be so sure of herself, so confident, she always knew exactly what she wanted, but this girl beside me isn’t the Tully I used to know and I hate that I’m the person who reduced her to this.

I will make it up to her if it’s the last thing I do.

Spencer hasn’t helped her to find herself over the past four years. He’s allowed her to hide and lose track of who she really is. Where the hell has Noah and Henley been during all of this? Aiden? Either they’ve all given up on her or Tully puts on one hell of a good act.

Half an hour quickly turns into an hour where not a single word passes between us. The bottle of Vodka is nearly empty and it’s not until her breathing evens out and her body goes slack that I realize she’s fallen asleep.

Ten minutes pass as I contemplate taking her home. If I do, that means that tonight will be over and I don’t think I’m ready for her to wake up in the morning and keep me at a distance, but if I don’t do something soon, she’ll end up sick and I don’t need any more reason to hate myself.

Just as I go to scoop her into my arms, a voice is heard from the backdoor of the party. “Tully? Are you out here?” I look back over my shoulder and spot Henley by the door with Noah standing at her back, his hands resting on her shoulders. They spot me in the same instance that I see them and they start making their way towards me.

I pull Tully into my arms and stand, leaving the bottle of Vodka behind. Tully curls into my chest and my heart races a little faster.

God, I’ve missed this.

I watch Noah’s brow dip down as he takes in his passed out twin sister and he can’t even wait until he’s standing before me before the question comes flying out. “What the fuck happened to her?”

“She drank too much,” I tell him as Henley steps in front of me and takes in her best friend. “I guess it all got too much for her and she passed out.”

“Shit,” he grumbles. “Where’s Spencer?”

I bite my tongue and resist saying what I’m really thinking. “Good fucking question.”

Noah lets out a deep sigh as Henley looks back up at him. “We should take her home.”

Noah looks just about ready to cave although the very last thing he wants to be doing on his wedding night is dealing with his drunken twin sister. “I’ve got her,” I tell them, instantly making Noah’s face fall in relief. “You guys go and enjoy your night.”

“Are you sure, man?”

Am I sure if I want to spend more time with my girl in my arms? What a stupid fucking question. Does he not know me at all?

“Yeah,” I tell them, holding back my thoughts once again. “Besides, don’t you guys have to go and consummate your marriage?”

Noah grins wide as Henley’s cheek flush bright pink. “Already have,” he laughs, nudging his wife. “Three times.”

“The fuck? When the hell did you find time to do that? And where?”

Henley spins around and slaps a hand over Noah’s mouth knowing he’s more than happy to share all the little details. “You better shut it before you lose your chance at hitting this a fourth time tonight.”

Noah’s eyes go wide in horror as I shake my head at the two of them. I’d give anything to have what they have with Tully.

I look down at Henley. “Could you grab Tully’s purse? Then I’ll get her out of here.”

“Sure,” she smiles. “Though, are you sure you don’t want to just lay her down under the bridal table with a pillow and keep partying. I’m sure she’ll be fine under there.”

“Really?” I laugh, shaking my head. “She already hates me as it is. Can you imagine how she’d react if she found out that I dumped her under the table so I could keep partying?”

“Yeah, you’re right. She’ll eat you alive.”

“Come on, Spitfire,” Noah says, grabbing Henley and throwing her over his shoulder. He spanks her ass before spinning around and marching off back towards the party. “The only thing getting eaten alive tonight is you. Now, is the bar still open?”

Henley looks up at me as she dangles off her husband’s shoulder. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head but the joy is as clear as day. “I’ll be back in two seconds.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance