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I’d been to the citadel before, but it had been at night. Pitch black all around, the citadel and the single spire that was lit a beacon. Sure, it had been all aglow, austere and yet beautiful at the same time. Brilliant white that seemed to come from the inside out. A perimeter of gorgeous flowers, grass and a park-like setting. But it was also ruthless, an invisible barrier that kept all who were not chosen from entering.

We’d stunned Leo with an ion pistol and run past the guards to gain entrance that first night. We sisters had separated then, putting our plans into motion. Faith headed for the Jax house. I disappeared within the clerical order. Trinity faced the world, became Princess Trinity and led Alera until Mom was found.

That had been the plan, and it had worked. Despite all the insanity, our plan had worked.

And now? Mom was here. So was all of Mytikas, spread out before the citadel like a crowd at the Capitol Building when the US swore in a new president. The weather was perfect: bright skies, a warm breeze… perhaps the powers of the citadel affected the warm weather. The sun was setting, the building becoming brighter, the spires glowing more fiercely by the minute. As for the mood of the crowd? They cheered. Chanted. Everyone was boisterous and full of joy.

That was all because of Mom.

Their queen.

I was so proud of her. I always had been, the woman I’d always looked up to, listened to. Sure, we’d argued, fought. She hadn’t liked it when I’d pierced my own ears at eleven—after I’d thrown up in the bathtub because I had a needle in my ear and realized I hadn’t liked it either. She’d driven me to karate class after Jiu Jitsu class after Tae Kwon Do class without complaint. She’d even rolled her eyes but bit her lip when I’d dyed my hair purple.

But that was all nothing. Just… stuff. Mom offered love unconditionally. Was fiercely protective. Brave. Kind. Ruthless. And not just to me, Faith and Trinity. Not with Dad either. She was all those things for an entire planet.

She’d fled to Earth not to save herself, but to save the baby she’d carried. To save the next ruler of Alera. She’d spent our entire lives preparing all of us to one day return to Alera, but I doubted she’d ever imagined it would be like this.

God, the mess… all of it, had proven our blood bond was so strong. Royals or not, we were a family. And growing. Trinity, Faith and I now had mates. Not just husbands, but pretty much DNA chosen males that belonged to us. They were ours and we were theirs.

Just as Mom and Dad were mates. True loves. I’d seen it all my life, but never understood the depth of it until now. Until Nix.

What Dad had done to protect Mom… it made me weepy. And I was never weepy.

And now, Mom stood before the citadel, inside the invisible barrier but before her people, in her white flowing gown, the royal necklace about her neck. She’d gone within just a little while ago to the place the jewels had been waiting all these years and retrieved them. She didn’t look like the woman I knew who went to the corner store in Snoopy pajamas to pick up milk and eggs. She looked… like the fucking queen.

The crowd before her cheered, chanted her name. Celene, Celene, Celene. So did those who watched this moment from afar, from the most distant corners of the planet. To those on other planets as well. Leaders like Prime Nial from Prillon Prime had spoken with her, welcomed her return. She smiled, waved, indulged. Some had waited twenty-seven years for this moment, for their beloved queen to return. Some had never seen her before, except in images.

Trinity, Faith and I stood outside the perimeter, our mates behind us, as we, too, waited. This was Mom’s moment. All of Alera’s moment.

“Did I mention how beautiful you look?” Nix murmured. His breath fanned my neck and I reached back, grabbed his hand. I flushed from head to toe at his words, at the deep tone. He’d helped me dress, then helped me undress as he showed me just how much he liked what he saw. Then, after the quickie that had left me wilted and very, very sated, he’d fastened the small buttons up the back of my purple dress.

I gave a slight nod as I looked over my shoulder at him. From afar, everyone would see him so handsome in his uniform, in his military bearing, yet his eyes held heat and love just for me.

Mom held up her hands and the crowd instantly fell silent. She smiled brilliantly and nodded, as if giving thanks for their attention.

“My Alerans, we have all waited for this day, for this moment to arrive. I have dreamed of returning to you, to lead once again. You were never far from my thoughts. While I lived on Earth, a planet so far from here, know that your blood, Aleran blood, flowed through my veins and not a day went by that I did not think about you, my people, my home.”

Wow, Mom had helped me with my English papers in high school, but sheesh, she’d downplayed her skills.

“These past few weeks, you have heard rumors. You have heard lies. Yesterday, I shared the truth. I am sure you have heard it by now through every news feed, read it for yourself. Know that every word came from my pen, from my hand. I will not go over all of the details, salacious, cruel and sad as they may be. I can’t speak for those who have died. I can’t hope to understand or explain their motives and intentions.”

She paused, let all of that sink in.

“I would like to take a moment now to honor those who have given their lives in protection of me and Alera. Nothing I can say will match the depth of my gratitude for the sacrifice that was made, or for each individual’s integrity. Whether they fought to free me, or are, even now, out there somewhere fighting the Hive menace, they are true Alerans, every one.”

Mom lifted her hand and wiped at the corner of her eye.

Nix squeezed my hand again. He’d been one of those men. Him and Leo. They’d gone out and served in the Coalition Fleet. I couldn’t begin to fathom how many friends he’d lost, or how many people had died hiding the truth about my mother.

After a minute of silence, Mom smiled once again. “It is time to formally introduce you to my family.” Mom looked to Dad, who stood beside Captain Turaya and Pawl across from us. It was like we were at a wedding, bridesmaids on one side, groomsmen on the other.

Mom walked through the invisible barrier where many had died in their attempt to take all she was born with. She walked over to Dad, took his hand and moved so they were front and center for the entire world to see.

“My people, this is my mate, Adam, Lord Cray. I met him on Earth, but he, too, is a true Aleran. He protected me, cherished me and saved me just as a mate should. He left the planet all those years ago to watch over me, to belong to me as I did to him. On Alera, he was born as Lord Buchan Adamos Cray. Since our mating, he has, unknown by everyone, been your king. King Adam.”

Tags: Grace Goodwin Romance