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“Gone? He just left you?” she asked, sounding stunned. “Is he dead?”

“Dead?” I laughed. “Of course not.” I shook my head. “I’m not that bad.”

“Destiny Jones, what did you do with Nix?”

She knew me too well.

“Nothing. I didn’t do anything to him.” Except fuck his brains out. “I only left him locked in the admin building. I’m sure he’s fine.”

“Fine? You think he’s fine you ditched him? He’s a queen’s guard. You just waved a red cape at a bull.”

Bull, definitely. Oh, his cock had been huge and with all the cum still seeping from me, huge balls. I squirmed at the thought. I needed to change the subject. Nix was not my problem. “Whatever.”

The once-locked door to my room opened and Nix walked in, closing it—and locking it again—behind him. “Yes. I want to hear all about this bull.”

My jaw dropped and I tucked my hands between my legs to hide the blood.

I’d only seen him in the dark. In heat. Inside my room, with anger simmering in his gaze and the lights on his high cheekbones and cut jawline, I went from annoyed to horny in about two seconds flat. Shit. My body roared like I hadn’t had sex in years instead of the night before. Like I was going to die if I didn’t get more. Now. Right now.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him.

He crossed his arms over his formidable chest. “A locked door won’t stop me, Princess.” It was a statement, but also a warning. He wasn’t going to be deterred from his own mission. I glanced down at the front of his pants, saw the thick—huge—bulge of his cock.

“Destiny?” Trinity’s voice broke the hypnotic pull of him and I tore my gaze away, looked at the small screen where my sister was eyeing me like a worried mother hen.

“See, he’s not dead,” I told her, and swung the screen to Nix so Trinity could see him.

He bowed low. “Princess Trinity,” he said to my comms unit. “I am here and your sister is safe.”

“Oh, thank god,” she replied. “Thank you, Nix. Don’t let her do anything too dangerous.”

Now she sounded like my mother and not my sister.

He grinned at the order, his smile diabolical, and I knew I was screwed. Anything I said now, he would ignore. Pull rank. He had orders from Trinity. The future queen. I was two steps down the royal ladder and she’d just handed me to him on a silver platter.

I turned the screen back and glared at her. “You take that back, Trin. Right now.”

“Nope. He’s going to keep you safe. You’re the one that did that tap-tap thing and said you were in danger. Which reminds me, why didn’t I ever get to know about that secret twin stuff? Totally not cool.”

“Really, Trin? You ask that now? We were kids.”

“Fine. But enough of you being all alone.” She shook her head. “About what you told me. I’ll send Leo and the queen’s guard to check it out.”

“I can take care of it myself,” I countered. Leo and the queen’s guard? They’d be too obvious, make too much noise. One hint that I was on to them and they’d move Mom somewhere else. I would do it.

Nix stirred and took a step toward me. I wanted to stay angry, but he knelt in front of me. Knelt. As in On. His. Knees. Like I mattered. God, he was dangerous. “Tell her, Destiny, or I will. I heard the conversation as well.”

He was right. He had. Thankfully, he’d left off the part that he’d been buried deep inside me at the time.

He grabbed my wrists and lifted them up. “Are you hurt? Why the fuck are you covered in blood?” His gaze raked over me as if he expected to find a spurting artery.

“It’s not m

ine. It’s that guy’s. Crayden’s.”

His dark brows winged up. “From the office last night?”

I nodded.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Romance