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Mother sniffed, clearly wishing he’d backed her up instead of being his usual carefree self. They balanced each other well, most of the time. “You think those beasts should decide whether or not this traitor goes to jail?” She turned to me, pointed at Faith. “Let the professionals have their turn with her. Then, after a suitable period of time, you’ll be thinking clearly again and seeing reason.”

Meaning I’ll see some other female who suited me better. With my cock awakened, I could have anyone now. Could fuck any female who would have me with wild abandon. But I wanted no other.

This conversation was only making me angry. I didn’t hit women, ever, but this was the first time I had any inclination to do so. The very thought I’d abandon and betray Faith…

I sighed, realized this was just how my mother was. Always had been, always would be. She thought she was doing what was best for me, but no. For the first time, I was telling her no. And all her hopes for the match of her dreams were gone.

There would be no reasoning with her. This talk only proved that Faith’s predictions were right. Our mating wasn’t good news.

But we weren’t here to get their blessing. We were here to find the real traitor. Then we could get on with our lives… outside of this mansion.

“My apartment has been ransacked,” I told them.

My mother immediately looked to Faith, as if she’d done it.

“I assure you, Mother, Faith has a solid alibi.”

My mother flushed red with anger or embarrassment—I didn’t care which—and pursed her lips as she made the correct inference.

“We will stay here in my old room until my place can be cleaned up, until the damage can be fixed.”

“Wonderful,” my father commented. One of the Zebcats returned and he bent down to pick the big thing up. “Dinner is at the usual time. It will be good to have you back here again. Faith, too.”

Father winked at Faith and my mother sighed.

I took his opening for us to leave and nodded to both my parents. I didn’t say more, for we’d only end the discussion in a verbal war. Faith was right at my side. It wasn’t until we were upstairs, my bedroom door closed behind us, did she let go of my hand.

“Your mother doesn’t like me.”

Understatement of the century. I studied her to see if she were bothered by that. Tears perhaps. Or anger. I saw neither.

“To her, maintaining the Jax lineage is at the top of her personal to-do list. It’s her duty to see the next generation be flawless,” I explained. It didn’t make her actions right, but at least understandable.

“Yeah, well, clearly an Aleran princess isn’t good enough,” she replied, tucking her hair behind her ears.

“She thinks you’re a maid.” I went over to her, stroked her hair. Silky soft. “She’s a snob, nothing more.”

“You’re protecting her,” she countered. Faith didn’t say the words harshly, but as fact.

Was I? “Perhaps a little. She is my mother, but that doesn’t mean I choose her over you. Absolutely not. I’m just explaining why she’s so bitter toward you. If I were awakened by the baker’s daughter, she’d probably feel the same way. It’s not you personally. She’s been throwing women of her choosing in my path since I was twenty with the hopes one of these eligible females would awaken me. Nothing, until a snoopy maid appeared.” I tapped her nose.

She smiled and put a hand on my chest. My cock stirred from that simple touch.

“It makes sense, I am hot.”

“You’re overly warm?” I asked, studying her. Her cheeks weren’t flushed and she wasn’t sweating.

She laughed. “No, you silly. I’m sexy. Alluring. So desirable I made your cock come awake.”

I grinned. “You did do that.” Then my smile fell away. “You are sexy and alluring to only me.”

One dark brow arched. “Jealous?”


“Well, what’s our plan for finding the traitor? I’m not too thrilled to stay here forever. It feels like high school all over again.”

“You sneaked boys into your parents’ house?” Her mouth opened as if to answer but I covered it with my palm. “Never mind. I don’t want to know the answer.”

Tags: Grace Goodwin Romance