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“I didn’t tell my parents anything. I’d been alone when I decided to go after you.” I put my hand on Faith’s shoulder. Squeezed. “No doubt Lord Wyse, or someone in the Optimus unit told them I dropped the charges and took you away from there.”

“You’re welcome to remain here. Obviously the palace is big enough for all of us.” Trinity looked at Faith, waiting for an answer. Not me, Faith.


p; I was offended—for a brief moment—then conceded that the princess was correct. Where Faith was, so would I be. If that was here, or in my parents’ home, as we’d discussed before leaving our rooms.

Faith looked to me. Smiled. “Actually, we’re going to stay at the Jax mansion.”

Princess Trinity frowned as I relaxed, content that my mate had not changed her mind and would remain by my side as we hunted for the traitor. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? Lord Wyse already arrested you once.”

“Exactly, which is why we’re not staying here,” Faith countered. “And he doesn’t know I’m a princess. No one outside of this room knows the truth. We have to go back and catch the traitor.”

Trinity shook her head. “It’s too dangerous.”

“Princess Trinity,” I began, but she held up her hand.

“I think, considering what you and my sister have been up to, you can all me Trinity. At least in private.”

I didn’t see a trace of her previous hostility and anger toward me. I had no idea what she and Faith had talked about while I was chained in their dungeon—or if they’d talked at all—but she seemed to have come to a decision not to hate me. Perhaps, if Faith believed in me, Trinity had decided to trust her sister’s judgment.

I offered a slight head nod of respect, then continued. “Trinity, as you’re well aware, the traitor in the Jax household has yet to be identified. Faith and I will return there… together, to discover who it is once and for all.”

“That is a dangerous proposition,” Leo commented.

“As Faith is my mate, I do not want her far from my side. I’m sure you understand, Captain. But as a Jax, it is crucial I clear my family’s name.”

“Thor’s my mate, Leo. You can relate to that. I believe in him and want him free from this. The traitor wants to harm our family, and his as well. We can only be together, in peace, once we learn the truth and free my mother.”

“But your safety, princess,” Nix said. He’d been quiet since Destiny had signed off. But all of the conversation had been a family discussion, which he was not a part of. His job was to see to the safety of the royals and that included my mate.

“I will keep her safe,” I vowed.

Leo stood, came over to me. He was slightly taller and definitely formidable. But I would stand up to him and anyone else who tried to separate me from my mate. “If anything happens to her, I will flay you alive.”

“If anything happens to Faith, Captain, I will already be dead.”

He eyed me, considered, then nodded.

“Very well. May your mission be successful.”

“And by all that is holy, Faith,” Trinity said, grinning. “Try to be quiet when you come. I mean, you want your in-laws hearing that?”

Leo put his hand to his chest. “I’m her in-law, as you Earth people call it. I heard it. I found it very inspirational.”

Trinity struck him on the shoulder, but she was smiling. “Shut-up, Leo. Seriously.”

Faith stood and I followed, made peace with the fact that I was mating a royal, a princess, and this would be my role in life. To be at her side. To go where she wandered. To protect her. Love her. Support her.

I was content.

Faith walked around the table and hugged her sister from behind, since Trinity was still seated at the table. Leo winked at Faith as we went by. The traitor was out there. It was time to find out who it was. Together.


Thor, The Jax Mansion

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Faith whispered. Her fingers clenched mine as we walked through the front door of the Jax mansion. I’d done it thousands of times over my entire life, but it was different now. I held my mate’s hand, and I wasn’t letting go. I wasn’t alone. I was… whole.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Romance