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My cock was not happy about this, for it wanted me to strip her bare, tug her to the soft carpet and fuck her senseless. I would not use my first time with my mate as an interrogation tool. It would not be like that between us.

But what would it be like? Was she duplicitous? Dangerous not only to my family but all of Alera? She didn’t seem like a mastermind to bring the downfall of the crown, but perhaps she was another pawn, like Zel. If she were being used falsely, blackmailed, I wanted to know.

Fuck, I wanted to know everything about her.

“The police are here.” My father’s voice carried through the thick door.

I stared at her, but she did not seem fearful of the threat of a Mytikas jail cell.

“Last chance,” I offered. I could delay the police, even send them away if I had answers.

She only crossed her arms over those full breasts I’d felt, the hard nipples I ached to feel against my palms.

Stubborn thing. Perhaps seeing the team of law enforcement would entice her to talk. The idea of others pressuring her, even laying their hands on her, made me see red. Made every protective instinct flare to life. But I would not bed this female—my fucking mate—without answers. Without the truth. If she wouldn’t give them to me, she’d have to give them to the police.

“So be it.” I took her wrist, pulled her away from the door so I could open it, led her back into my father’s office where he and my mother stood not just with the family’s security detail, but with three police officers. They wore the familiar dark uniforms, ion blasters on their hips along with other paraphernalia related to law and order.

One stepped forward and the female backed up a half a step, then stood her ground. Her chin tipped up in defiance.

She was a brave little thing. I wanted to reach out, tug her behind me and protect her from these officers, to take her away and get her to tell me her every secret with soft persuasion.

But when the officer put his hand on her shoulder my thoughts changed. No, they scattered. Stalled.

Between one breath and the next, she’d widened her stance, reached across and took hold of the officer’s hand, then used the other to strike up and out into his neck.

He bent slightly at the surprising contact, gurgled because her fingers had whipped into his throat. The hand holding her loosened and she twirled about, lowered to one knee and grabbed his ion pistol from his holster on his hip.

With just a flick of her finger, she shot him, the guard falling to the ground. There was no blood; she’d somehow set the weapon to stun.

Spinning on her heel, she aimed the weapon at the other guards, clearly ready to shoot.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

She was no maid. No mild, forest-scented female. She was ruthless, cunning and wicked with advanced training in hand-to-hand fighting skills.

My mate was some kind of trained assassin. The fact that she hadn’t killed the officer was a surprise. Or the rest of us. I didn’t care that my cock had awakened because of her. Clearly, she was guilty. We needed answers from her more than I needed to strip her naked and bury myself balls deep.

My body disagreed. My cock didn’t care who she was. It was practically ripping the fabric of my pants because they were so tight. It needed out, needed to be inside her. Now. Her little scene only made pre-cum slip from me, made me stifle a groan of desire.

She turned her head, looked up at me. That was her downfall.

The other officers took the opportunity to storm close, to retrieve the weapon from her. To subdue her. She fought, valiantly in fact. But her size was against her and she was quickly subdued. Cuffed. Lifted to her feet.

Her heated gaze held mine the entire time.

Perhaps I was her weakness. Perhaps she was mine. The attraction between us—from her side—was unmistakable. I hadn’t had an unwilling female pressed against a door or my hard body. She had kissed me back, melded her heat to mine.

When I finally took her, the heat would be explosive.

I was torn. Grab her? Save her? Carry her off? She hadn’t gotten her hands on my balls, but it felt like she had them in her grasp.

She had attacked an officer of the law. Stunned him with his own weapon.

For the moment, her fate was out of my hands. I had to watch her be dragged away. I knew she would be interrogated like the ruthless assassin she was and rot in jail, my cock be damned.



Tags: Grace Goodwin Romance