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I could awake this way every day for the rest of my life and be content.

My worst fears had come to pass. I would, no doubt, be led around by the balls by this female for the rest of my life.

The shocking realization was that I did not mind in the least. I’d be honored to serve this female, for as long as she’d have me. And she could lead me around that way, as long as she caressed those same greedy fuckers after. Let me fill her up with my cock and my seed.

I placed my palm gently over her flat abdomen. Perhaps she’d allow me to fill her womb with my child as well. But not yet. There was much to be settled between us.

Finding a mate was supposed to be simple. While the fucking was incredible, it was the only time when both Faith and I were in sync. There was no outside world. No traitor. No family honor. No Optimus unit. No threat to the crown. All the politics and drama existed beyond the walls of my apartment. Here, in my bedroom, in my bed, it was like a cocoon, a secret world where the truth was only that we belonged to each other.

Our bodies knew it. But our minds?

I looked down at her, dark tousled hair spread across on my pillow, her pink lips parted slightly. A little whiffling sound escaped as she breathed. Did my mate know she snored? I smiled, eager to tease her about it later.

And lower, her pale shoulders looked softer than the sheets tucked around her to warm her. I imagined the rest of her naked body beneath the sheet. I knew exactly what it looked like, every inch. We’d fucked practically into unconsciousness. To say my mate was inventive, fun and a little daring in bed made me proud. The sex education classes I’d taken as required for Aleran males hadn’t taught some of the things she’d shown me. It was probably a good thing, for if I’d known, I would have tossed her over my shoulder the first time I saw her in my father’s office and carried her away. Guards be damned.

My cock stirred with the memory. It wanted her again, even after only two hours rest. I’d woken her throughout the night, taken her over and over. Even with her Ardor, I imagined her sore.

Perhaps I should check and see. With a sly smile, I carefully maneuvered out from beneath her, slid the sheet down from her gorgeous body. In the morning light, her skin looked creamy, pale, except for the little love marks I’d left. I’d started at her neck, leaving pink spots of remembrance there, then lower on the curve of her breasts, lower still to the inside of her thighs. I moved down the bed, settled between those gorgeous thighs and parted them.

I breathed in the scent of her pussy, of fucking and I grinned, eager to make her gasp with pleasure, to shock her into wakefulness with my mouth on her body, worshipping her, feasting on what was mine.

I rocked my hips into the bed, rubbing my hard cock to ease the need to sink in her once more. Not yet. First, I would soothe the ache I knew my eager cock must have wrought on her pussy.

Lowering my head, I kissed first one inner thigh, then the other. Then between right on top of her tender, swollen flesh. It was hot against my lips, wet against my tongue. And sensitive, for Faith moaned in her sleep. I smiled against her clit, then flicked it with my tongue.

“Thor,” she murmured dreamily. My name. No other. Mine. She knew who touched her, who pleasured her. Even in her sleep she called for me.

Content that she was aroused, honored that she trusted me enough to practically sleep through my mouth tending to her pussy, I worked her. Gently, carefully, slowly as to pull her from one set of dreams to another. I wanted to be a dream for her, fantastic and sensual and necessary to her, as she now was to me.

Her hand went to my head, fingers tangling in my hair. Her knees fell wide in welcome and I had all the access I wanted to the sweetest, stickiest part of her.


All of a sudden, there was a loud crash, then another. Footsteps, my bedroom door ripped from the hinges as a team of men in black rushed in. Their ion weapons were raised, their sights aimed at me and Faith. I startled and Faith was wide awake, afraid.

She pushed up to her palms at the stunning surprise, but we were in a very compromising position. There was no doubt these guards could see exactly what we were doing. Nothing covered us. Everything was exposed.

They could see Faith’s body, every glorious inch of her, as well as the red flush on her cheeks at her awakening desire from my ministrations. The love bites, even her pussy with her knees spread wide. My body couldn’t both shield her from the danger that had burst through my door and protect her modesty.

I yanked the sheet from the foot of the bed and quickly covered Faith, turning so she was safeguarded behind me, but her legs were still parted, my body blocking any chances of her closing them.

I was naked, in bed. No weapons at hand. I had no way to protect her against the guards who were heavily a

rmed. But I would die before I allowed them to hurt her.

Who the fuck were they and why were they in my apartment? Now, of all fucking times. Was Lord Wyse behind this? Had he found a way to take my mate away from me?

Behind me, I heard Faith scramble to her knees, heard the rustling of the sheet as she pulled the rest of it out from beneath me. I lifted my knees, one at a time, at her insistent tugging, glad to know she was covering herself, recovering.

She’d been open and content as I played with her pussy. This had been a very rude awakening for both of us. I now knew what would make my cock flag.

Drawing the guards’ attention away from her, I cleared my throat. “Who are you and why are you in my home?”

“You are under arrest, Lord Jax, for abduction and torture of a member of the royal family.” That was the oldest guard who spoke, a man near the door, and I recognized him as Travin Thuraya, Lord Leo’s father. The well-respected royal guard and father to Princess Trinity’s mate.

“What the fuck are you talking about? Where is Princess Trinity? Has she been kidnapped again? Zel is dead. I have been hunting for the traitor. You speak nonsense.” I lowered my hands to my sides, slowly, but the old man shook his head in annoyance.

“Hands up, Thor. Don’t make us shoot you.”

Tags: Grace Goodwin Romance