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“I am sorry, love. I know this situation is not ideal, but I am not sorry that I claim you as my own. You are mine, and I want every male, every consort and warrior on every planet to know that.”

I thought of the Royal Consort. He knew and I was sure he was spreading the word… if he’d gotten his balls untangled from his tonsils.

“I love you, Leo.” I wanted to marry him—the human way. Maybe it was silly, but I wanted an ivory dress made of the softest silk, embroidered with a waterfall of delicate pink and lilac roses on the skirt and sleeves. Like the one I’d imagined when Faith, Destiny and I played pretend wedding when we were little.

I wanted Leo, but he was already mine. I was in love with him. I trusted him. I couldn’t imagine my life without him. But this royal reception? This party for the nobles? My introduction to society? This was a show. This was me luring a killer into making his move. Thus, why I’d wanted a thigh holster and ion pistol. Oh well.

“Let’s go then. Get this show over with. I know he’s here. He has to be here. The sooner we find him, we’ll be one step closer to finding my mother.”

Leo scowled and forced my body a few inches from his, lifted his hand from my hip to tip up my chin. “This dance is real. We are real. This is not for show. Not for the assassin or your cousins, most of whom are probably plotting ways to kill you. This is for us. Me and you. They watch us like we are performers on a stage, but this is real. You are in my arms. Your taste is on my lips. I claim you in front of everyone here, in front of the world. I’m not letting you go.”

“I look like a big blue blob of cotton candy.” The dress really was huge. A bit much, to be honest. But damn. I had to admit. Black on black on my man? Oh, a guy in uniform made my ovaries jump for joy. Everything about him made my heart race. And as ridiculous as I looked, he was the opposite. Muscles. Mystery. Sexy lips. Hard shoulders. Hard… other places.

“What is cotton candy? If it is beautiful, then I will agree with you.”

I burst out laughing. I couldn’t help it. Not with the sincere expression in his eyes. He loved me. He saw past my title, my bloodline, the masses of people around us, the ridiculously fluffy dress… and saw me. Truly thought I was beautiful. I could see the truth of his words in the light that surrounded him, that strange light I’d been seeing since I’d connected my life force to the citadel.

I kissed him, full tongue. No, I ravished him. Claimed him. Right there, in front of everyone. Royal decorum be damned. I was an Earth girl, and I didn’t really care if the uptight nobles approved or not. I was the princess here, and if I wanted my mate’s tongue down my throat, then that was what I was going to get.

Leo didn’t resist. In fact, when I finally came back to myself, we’d stopped moving completely and stood on the threshold of the place where we’d begun our dance. We stood still, looking at one another as silence stretched in the room before breaking into a roar of applause. Again. I tried to love him with my eyes. His lips were pink. Bright pink. Smile growing wider, I forgot all about our audience and lifted my thumb to his lips to wipe off the remnants of my lipstick.

“You’ve had her long enough, young man. As father of the groom, I claim the next dance with the lovely princess.” The voice was deep, kind, and sounded very much like Leo’s.

Turning away from me, Leo bowed to the older man and pulled me the last few steps to stand before him.

“Father, may I present my mate, Trinity Jones Herakles, Princess of Alera.” He turned to me. “Trinity, this is my father, Captain Travin Turaya, former leader of the Royal Guard and lifelong defender of Mytikas and your mother’s rightful place on the throne.”

Leo took my hand and placed it in his father’s wizened grip as if I were made of glass and would break. Leo wrapped his arm around my waist and I beamed at the older gentleman, truly honored to meet him. “It’s an honor, sir.”

“The honor is mine.” It was obvious he and Leo were related. Same dark hair, although his father’s was mixed with some gray. Same wide jaw, dark eyes. They even had the same soldier’s bearing. “I have waited, faithfully, many long years for Queen Celene’s return.”

His words were kind, but the reminder that my mother was out there somewhere still stung. But his aura—as I’d started to think of the strange color and light I could now see around people—was full of sincerity, and healthy doses of both love and pride for his son. I liked him immediately.


p; “Yes, we all are,” I replied.

“She will be found, Princess,” he vowed. “In the meantime, you have Leo to keep you safe. And I will offer my personal assurance that he and I have spoken about your safety. I have hand-selected every guard here tonight. Every guard in the palace.”

I was surprised by his vehemence, but impressed with his allegiance. Leo looked to his father and they shared one of those silent conversations. It finished with a nod from Leo’s dad.

I cleared my throat. “Thank you,” I replied. “Shall we dance?” I held out my hand.

His smile deepened the lines on his face and, as he pulled me into the dance, I had a flash of what my future with Leo would be. Thirty years from now, Leo would look just like him. Fit. Strong. Still good-looking.

I was very glad Leo had a good example to follow, as I’d begun to be plagued with thoughts of having children. I suspected it was part of the Ardor, but I had to admit that wasn’t all it was. It was Leo. I wanted to give him everything. I wanted to love him and make babies with him and make him blissfully happy. I was greedy. I wanted the dream. Husband. House. A few perfect kids. I’d take a palace, didn’t need a white picket fence.

I wondered if I could get a Golden Retriever or a Staffordshire Terrier out here. One with a big black spot around its eye, and big, dopey paws. I was being ridiculous, not even knowing Leo just a short time ago.

“I’ve never seen my son this happy. Thank you, Your Highness.”

No. That was not how I was going to roll. “Call me Trinity, or daughter, or kiddo, honey. Whatever you would call your own daughter, please. I love your son. He is an unexpected gift.”

The older man teared up and I felt bad for a moment, until he pulled me into a tight hug. “Goddess bless you, child. He loves you. I can see it in him. You are the gift.”

His hold lasted only a moment, but I felt the hard line of some kind of weapon under his tunic. He was Leo’s family, and his aura was good. I didn’t know how he’d gotten the weapon past the other royal guards, but Leo said his father used to be their captain. They probably hadn’t even searched him. I knew Leo was armed as well. So I let it go.

He was family.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Romance