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I watch her for a moment, wondering why she hasn’t looked away like normal people tend to do, but on closer inspection, she doesn’t even see me here. Her eyes are solely on Noah, staring at him like a meal she wants to devour.

I don’t like it one bit.

I stand from his lap and square my shoulders towards the brunette girl. My movement catches her eye and she looks up at me, instantly reading the challenge on my face.

Her eyes widen like saucers and not a second later, she whips them away and scrambles into the crowd.

What the hell was that? I mean, if you’re going to openly gawk at my boyfriend, then have some balls about it.

Shrugging it off, I drop back down into Noah’s lap, being careful not to squish his junk beneath me. “You alright?” Noah murmurs in my ear as his lips skim across my neck.

My eyes dart back up towards the DJ booth and with no sign of the girl, I sink back into him. “I am now,” I tell him moments before turning my face and capturing his lips in mine.

Chapter 3

Tully and I sit on the beach watching as Aria plays in the waves on Sunday afternoon. It’s been a massive weekend. We didn’t get home from Broken Hill until four in the morning, but we were able to sneak inside without waking dad, meaning Noah could also bypass the couch and come to sleep in my bed. Neither of us was thinking because a late night meant a massive sleep in this morning and dad wasn’t too impressed when he woke hours before us and practically dragged Noah out of my bed by his ankles. Actually, there was no ‘practically’ about it. He did drag him by the ankles and the sound of Noah’s body dropping to the floor has replayed in my head a million times already. I have to admit, it was funny though.

I woke around eleven after Aria had bugged me one too many times to wake up. We enjoyed filling a spray bottle with icy cold water to spray on Noah’s face to entice him into consciousness. It worked like a damn treat and Aria’s giggles made it all worth it. Noah couldn’t even get mad.

With nothing planned for our Sunday, Noah went to see if Maxen could use any help on the track while Tully and I surprised Aria with a trip down to the beach. She’s gotten used to this whole ‘being spoiled’ and absolutely loves it.

We bought ice cream and gave her everything a five year old could possibly need. She’s now roaming free over the beach while Tully and I sit back, watching from the sand and soaking up as much sun as we can.

It’s the middle of spring so it’s not exactly beach weather but it’s certainly getting there, and besides, a little bit of weather isn’t going to stop us from taking our favorite five year old for a day at the beach.

I watch as Aria stands right at the shore, preparing herself to jump over a wave. It comes toward her and she bends her knees. Her little arms bend and she balls her hands into fists. I can’t see her face but I’d bet everything I’ve got that she’s got her concentration face on and her tongue hanging out.

A smirk cuts across my face. “Watch this,” I tell Tully. She looks up from her Kindle and focuses in on Ari just in time to see her launch herself into the sky just a moment too soon. She comes back to the ground and is instantly hit with the wave that comes halfway up her thighs, drenching her little body as it splashes up all over her.

I choke back a laugh, knowing if she heard me, I’d have hell to pay. I somehow manage to control myself as Ari turns around to look at me with her hands out and water dripping off her. “I missed,” she calls out.

“No shit,” Tully chuckles to herself.

“I know, I saw,” I tell Ari. “You have to wait a little longer before jumping.”

“But it’ll get me.”

“Yeah, it’s a little too late for that,” I grin.

Ari decides she doesn’t care for my teasing and turns back around, instantly spotting a shell in the sand. She ducks down, scoops it up, and gets busy inspecting it before using it to draw in the sand.

I try to focus on what she’s drawing but the picture is a little distorted from here. “What are you making?” I call out.

“My mommy.”

Tully raises a brow as her head whips back up from her Kindle before looking at me in alarm. Concern filters into me. “Are you missing your mommy?”

“Yep,” she says, concentrating hard on her picture before looking up. “Come and see. I drew her with a swimsuit on so she can be at the beach with me.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance