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“Ok, sure,” I say. “Just remember that he probably won’t be able to reply for a while.”

“That’s fine,” she smiles. “I just don’t want him missing out.”

I give her an encouraging smile. On one hand, she’s right, Rivers would want to see this moment and it’s probably killing him that he’s not here to witness it, but on the other hand, reaching out to him isn’t exactly helping her to move on.

Mr. Carver says his goodbyes and gives me one last proud smile before wishing us all well with our futures and taking off to visit other students and their families. He’s hardly even turned his back before dad is already stepping back into our circle, demanding my full attention. “Alright, this is what’s going to happen,” he starts, making one of my brows raise in curiosity. “Now, I’m smart enough to know that you’re planning on taking off somewhere to celebrate with all your classmates, so I’ve rescheduled my next delivery until late tomorrow afternoon so you can stay out tonight and not have to worry about watching Squirt.”

“Really?” I gasp with wide, excited eyes.

“Just don’t make me regret it,” he says, reaching up for Aria. She drops down into dad’s arms before he places her back down on the ground. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

I can’t help but smirk. “Says the guy who knocked up a stranger in a bar.”

“Scrap that,” he tells me, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t approve of.”

“That’s more like it,” I laugh.

Dad shakes his head and slips his hand into Aria. “Come on, Squirt. Let’s get out of here before your big sister makes me change my mind.”

I hand dad my diploma, knowing he’ll keep it safe, as I have a feeling it could possibly be a very messy night. They disappear and it’s not long before we have ditched our graduation caps and gowns, stopped by Tully’s closet and picked out some bikinis, and are pulling up at Haven Falls beach along with the rest of our senior year.

Looks like it’s going to be a beach party.

Noah drives his car right down onto the beach, turns up the music, and within moments, the party is centered around his Camaro. I don’t even bother telling him just how likely it is that his car’s going to get stuck. It’s a party and we’re all having fun. We can deal with the car later.

People bring coolers of drinks down onto the beach while others take off to the water. The cheerleaders start dancing around Noah’s car, letting loose to the music while Tully and I sit down in the sand, taking it all in while soaking up a bit of sun.

Her phone chimes on the sand and she scoops it up, dusting off the sand before reading her text with an adoring smile that instantly turns into an evil little cackle. “Here, read this,” she tells me, handing me her phone.

I take it from her and read over the text before laughing myself.

Rivers – Congratulations, babe. You’re a fucking beast! I assume you’re going to spend the night partying? Be safe and don’t let any of those fuckers touch you. You’re too fucking good for them. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about my car! I know you haven’t cleaned that shit yet!

I hand it back and she instantly starts replying, knowing it could be a while before she gets a chance to talk to him again.

Aiden disappears and returns ten minutes later with a bottle of Midori and just like that, our afternoon beach party is set, and I have a feeling this is exactly how it’s going to stay until the early hours of tomorrow morning.

That is until the sun is setting and Noah thinks it’s a great idea to tip a whole cooler filled with water over the top of me and Tully before sprinting away down the sandy beach, howling with laughter at his sheer evilness.

Tully and I both screech and Spencer is there right away, throwing a towel at Tully and trying to be her hero while all I care about is the guy taking off down the beach, terrified of what his girl is going to do to him.

I hurry after him but with all the people it takes all off three seconds before I lose him. I walk down the beach until I’m far away from the people and call out. “Noah? I know you’re here somewhere. Come out and face me like a man.”

“Looking for me?” a teasing voice comes from behind.

I spin around to find Noah striding towards me, but he doesn’t look at all terrified, he looks more like a lion about to pounce and it’s then I realize that this was all part of his game. He lured me out knowing that I’d come tearing after him, and I think I like it.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance