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I shake my head to myself and continue until I’m placing our glasses down on our table. Tully questions what the hell just went down with Monica, and for some reason, I’m compelled to keep it to myself. Maybe the idea of sharing someone else’s insecurities isn’t quite sitting well with me, or maybe it’s the fact that Monica is no longer an enemy that she deserves a little respect from me. Either way, it’s not my business to share.

I watch the door of the male bathroom for a few minutes and when Noah doesn’t show, I take matters into my own hands. I mean, Noah can certainly handle himself but, you know, just in case he needs a little backup.

I make my way across the room and push my way into the male bathroom just in time to see Noah shoving an unconscious Rocko into the stall and letting the door slam shut behind him as he smirks to himself for a job well done.

My eyes instantly roam over his body, checking that he’s alright when I notice a drop of blood staining his white shirt. Damn, Violet really is going to kill him.

“What took so long?” I question as Noah walks over to the sink and washes the blood from his knuckles.

He looks at me through the mirror and shrugs. “It’s prom, I’m here to enjoy myself,” he grins. “Besides, he put his hands on my girl and nobody gets away with that.”

“Except for you, of course,” I smirk.

“Damn straight, Spitfire. Now let’s get the fuck back out to the party before someone comes in here and realizes what I’ve done.”

“You know what,” I say, bringing my hand up and slowly trailing my fingers down my chest, teasing him with what’s hidden beneath the black silk. “Why don’t we get out of here? I’ve got something much better in mind.”

Chapter 18

I walk out of the Haven Falls auditorium with a wide smile across my face and my high school diploma in my hand.

I fucking made it. I graduated high school without flunking out of any of my classes. In fact, I wasn’t even at the bottom of those classes anymore. I was right up there, chilling out with the other smarty-pants and high achievers.

That’s right, I’m a nerd and I kind of love it.

I start looking around the crowd of bodies. Tully and Noah have got to be around here somewhere. They’d already be together considering the students were put in alphabetical order. I mean, I’m a ‘B’ and they’re a ‘C’ so they couldn’t be too far.

Giving up on searching out my people, I follow the crowd until it’s not so crazy and packed like sardines. The second I have a little space to move, I turn around and continue looking, but I don’t get far when a small body slams straight into me, rocking me back onto my heels while I fight to remain upright.

“You did it,” Aria cheers, grinning up at with that massive smile that I love so much.

I laugh to myself as I wrap my arms around her and take in the chocolate smeared across her face. Dad had to occupy her with something to keep her quiet during the ceremony and I don’t doubt that I now have that same very chocolate smeared all over my graduation gown, most likely across my ass. “I did do it,” I tell her. “And you’re going to do it too. Now, get those grubby hands off me.”

Aria pokes her tongue out at me as Dad rushes in behind her, terrified that he’d lost her in the crowd. “Oh, thank God,” he sighs before scolding Aria. “What have I told you about running off in crowds like this?”

“But I saw Henley.”

“That’s beside the…” he lets out a sigh, giving up the argument as he shakes his head and looks up at me. “You know what? I give up. I couldn’t win with you so I don’t know why I’d expect anything different with her.”

All I can do is smile.

Dad beams right back at me before pulling me in for a tight hug. “I don’t know what to say, Squish. You surprised the everloving crap out of me. I never thought I’d see the day that you graduated.”

“Ummm…thanks, I think.”

After what feels like a lifetime, he finally releases me. “Did you hear that Principal Evans’ was raving about you and your scholarship? They’re so proud of you, though they should be because you did it all on your own. It’s not like any of those teachers had a hand in helping you secure that achievement. They could care less, but once that acceptance letter came through, they were more than happy to take the credit.”

“Alright, alright,” I laugh. “Chill out, already. It doesn’t matter what they think. We know that I was the one who put in the effort and that this particular bunch of teachers is just here for the paycheck and that’s all that matters.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance