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Noah rolls his eyes. “Mom insisted I get you one as it was the ‘gentlemanly thing to do,’ but I had a feeling you’d rather go without.”

“You’d be right about that,” I laugh. I couldn’t think of anything worse than having something like that attached to me all night, though I definitely appreciate the effort. I have to admit, he certainly is a gentleman when he wants to be.

We pull up at the venue fifteen minutes later and it’s absolutely nuts. Tully texted me a few minutes ago letting me know that she and Spencer had arrived and was wondering how much longer we’d be.

I have to say, I wasn’t surprised when Spencer asked her to prom. I could see it coming a mile away; though I was surprised when she said yes. For the past two weeks since Rivers left, she’s been constantly saying that she didn’t want to go as she had always pictured this moment with Rivers by her side, but I guess one day she’s going to have to move past that and learn that she can’t stop living her life because things are changing.

Either way, I’m so damn happy that she’s here. It simply wouldn’t be the same without her.

Noah cuts the engine and forces me to stay seated so he can race around to my side and get the door. I laugh but do as I’m told. He offers me his hand and helps me out of the car and that’s about as far as his gentlemanly skills will take him. The second the door closes behind me, he slams me up against it, pressing his hips into mine and running his lips along my neck.

Noah’s hand drops down between us and instantly finds the high split in my dress before letting his fingers slip between my legs. His lips press against that sensitive skin just below my ear. “When I get you home tonight, I want you only in these heels.”

My hand slides up his wide chest as my head tilts back, giving him more room to play with. “When you see what I’ve got under this, you’re going to want me to take my time getting down to just my heels.”

“Fuck me,” he groans.

“Hey, there you two are,” Tully’s loud voice says, piercing through the night. “Would you mind saving your spontaneous screw session for later? We have a prom to get to.”

Noah blinks and then blinks again.

“You can’t wish your twin sister away,” I remind him.

“I can damn well try. Hearing her voice right now is about as effective as taking a cold shower.”

“Good,” Tully says. “Now haul ass. I want to remind all these bitches who the hottest girl in school is.”

Noah steps back from me and I finally get a look at his beautiful sister in her full length golden prom dress that has her looking as radiant as an angel; just as she does the same with me. “Damn, girl. Looking fine,” Tully applauds. “Maybe I should have let him play around with you for a while.”

“Shut up,” I laugh. “But like you’re one to talk. Spencer isn’t going to keep his hands off you all night in that dress.”

Tully grins. “I know.”

“Like hell,” Noah snaps. “I’ll be keeping a close eye on you.”

“No, you won’t,” Tully teases with a knowing smirk that comes off way too devilish. “Someone showed up earlier and I have a feeling it’s going to make our already awesome night that much better.”

“Who?” Noah questions, reaching into the back of his Camaro and grabbing his suit jacket.

“I’m not about to ruin the surprise,” Tully tells him, looping her arm through mine and pulling me along as Noah follows behind. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

We make our way into the massive function room and meet Spencer and Aiden by the door. Spencer instantly takes Tully’s arm and she drops mine, allowing me to fall back into Noah’s hold.

Within seconds, there’s someone with a camera right in our faces asking for a photo and on any other day, I’d tell him to fuck off, but it’s senior prom and I should be soaking up every tiny moment of it. After all, I’m only going to get one of these. Why not live it up?

We make it past the photographers after Aiden forces both me and Tully to take a picture with him so he doesn’t feel so left out. Then before I know it, we’re diving right in.

The place looks incredible.

I guess after the school spent all the tuition fees on the teachers’ lounge, they spent whatever was left on this. It’s massive. Very Broken Hill Highish if you ask me, but I’m not complaining. There’s a stage with two massive, red thrones fit for a prom King and Queen, there’s a DJ who doesn’t actually suck, over the top decorations and even place settings at the tables. Though from the looks of it, students have already been racing around, switching the names up.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance