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It makes me wonder how Spencer feels about all this. From the way he’s been looking at her lately and the way he’s always the first to run to her aid, it’s clear his feeling for her are growing, but it must suck knowing that she’s devastatingly in love with another man. Hell, she might not even like the guy at all, but is just finding comfort in his presence. All I know is that it couldn’t be an easy position for Spencer to be in right now.

The bell sounds and Aiden walks with me to our homeroom, chatting away about the prom that’s coming up, desperate to keep my attention on anything else but Rivers. But it doesn’t stop the other students’ whispers from sounding all around me.

It started the day Rivers got back. Jared had mentioned to a friend that he had come home early from chilling with Noah because Rivers was back, and the word spread like wildfire from that very moment. The whole fucking world knew that Rivers was back. Hell, I even had Alyssa pluck up the courage to question me about it.

Then the questions started- Why wasn’t he coming to school? Where had he been all this time? Where was he? Each question got ignored and from then, it’s only gotten worse. Today’s gossip- Tully crying in the hallway with Spencer because the love of her life just walked out on her again.

I don’t know how they already know he’s gone, but fuck me, I’ll be surprised if Tully gets through the day without putting a few bitches in their place.

The day drags by painfully slow, even more so as I sit through math class and find it impossible to concentrate on the numbers before me. Tully had sat through science beside me, staring at her hands and while she’s still in pieces, at least I know where she is.

By the time lunch rolls around, I’m more than eager to get to the cafeteria. I haven’t seen Noah since he stormed out this morning and he hasn’t responded to any of my texts. Surely, he’d be back by now. Well, at least I hope he’s back.

I get my ass to the cafeteria and my eyes instantly shoot towards our table. He’s not here, but then, I did kind of race here. I head over to our table and sit down, watching the world go by around me as I impatiently wait for Noah to show his face.

Spencer comes in first, then Tully, and Aiden, but no Noah.

I pull out my phone and double check that I haven’t missed any texts from him, but it’s clear as day that he hasn’t tried reaching out. I was happy enough to give him the morning to himself, but now I’m just worried.

I hope he’s not getting himself in any kind of trouble. The last time this happened, he showed up covered in cuts and bruises, claiming the other guy was worse. I don’t doubt that, but I still don’t like the idea of someone putting their hands on my man.

I nudge Tully with my elbow and she looks up, making me realize that she’s been crying again. “Have you heard from Noah? I still haven’t seen him.”

She shakes her head before resting it on Spencer’s shoulder. His arm instantly slips around her and a second later, her eyes drop away from mine and back to focusing on the table and the uneaten food in front of her.

Jared walks past our table and I call out to him. “Hey Jared, have you heard from Noah?” I ask as he stops and looks my way.

He presses his lips into a firm line before shaking his head. “Sorry,” he says with a slight cringe, obviously having heard all the gossip going around about him storming out of the school this morning.

With that, he carries on and I let out a heavy sigh. Where the hell could he be?

I think back to everything I know about him when a conversation we shared months ago comes back and hits me like a freight train. He had found my secret stash of money hidden under the floorboards in my bedroom and we were talking about leaving Haven Falls. He had told me that he would never leave, no matter how bad things were here because this is where Lily is and forever will be.

A breath of relief escapes me, and I want to kick myself for being so stupid. How could it have taken me so damn long to figure that out? I push up from the table and look over at Spencer. “Can you drop her home?” I ask, indicating down at Tully.

“Yeah, sure. Where are you going?”

I shake my head. “Nowhere, just make sure she’s safe.”

He nods and I take off, feeling the eyes of the whole room on my back.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance