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I laugh to myself as I read over her text. It feels wrong. After all, the guy is my brother, but he hurt her heart and if this is going to make her feel as though she’s healing, then I’m all for it.

After talking with Rivers yesterday and sorting out Tully and Noah, the boys finally decided to talk. Things aren’t great between the males of our pack but they’ve been reconnecting over Rivers’ car that’s been sitting outside their house since the accident.

Rivers is wanting to piece it back together and naturally, Noah is more than happy to help him out. If it was me though, I’d probably just scrap it and buy a brand new one. I mean, there’s no way he can save that shit.

That car is going to take months and months to fix up and Rivers isn’t going to be here to do it. In my opinion, it’s not worth trying to save. He’s going to be away with more training and then most likely deployed. It could be years before he gets a chance to put the time and effort into fixing it.

Tully being the stubborn woman I know and love refused to come out of her bedroom last night despite hearing the boys reconnecting through the paper thin walls. Her TV got louder and louder, desperately trying to tune them out until Violet came knocking and forced her to turn it off. Tully put up a fight and it ended with Violet unplugging the television and storming off with it.

What can I say? It was an eventful night and literally none of our plans went as we had thought. Noah was supposed to race and that sure as hell didn’t happen. I still haven’t had a chance to ask him where the hell he went during his disappearing act, but the only thing that mattered is that he returned ready to hear out his friend.

Tully and I received texts from Spencer and Aiden both of whom skipped the races and went straight for the after party, begging us to come as we originally had planned, but neither of us were in the mood.

Rivers came knocking at her door a few times during the night and she ignored him each and every time. But what was he expecting? He shredded her to pieces. She was never going to roll over and accept that. If he wants her in his life then he’s going to have to fight for it and earn her trust back. Though, I don’t know how he expects to do that when he’s only here for ten days before he’s due to go to the next stage of his training.

I listened through the wall as Rivers told Noah all about boot camp and from what he was describing, it was absolute hell. Though something tells me that’s exactly what Rivers needed and hoped for, and from seeing the way he was walking around a little taller, I dare say it paid off.

Maybe now he can see that there’s a way out of the darkness.

No matter what, he has me now, not just as part of his pack but as his family. No matter what, I won’t let him down. But…having said that, it doesn’t mean that I’m above a little payback in the form of old seafood to make him suffer.

I grab my phone and car keys before skipping out of my bedroom. It’s freaking hot today so I’ve been staying inside. The plan was to get a little studying in for my history exam on Monday but clearly that’s going to have to wait.

Summer is quickly approaching and I can’t believe the school year is nearly through. We have finals, prom, then graduation and we’re out of here. If this weather is anything to go by, I’ll be spending my summer as a sweaty mess on the beach.

Senior year has gone by so damn fast. I can hardly believe the things that have happened since that first day of school last fall. I can’t wait to get out of here, as hopefully that means the drama can back the fuck off. I don’t know how much more of this I can take.

Though to be fair, most of the drama is now over. At least, I hope it is. All the dirty little secrets have been aired, cheerleaders have been put in their place and have stayed there, and nearly everyone I love has ended up in the hospital.

How much more of this can I take before I lose my mind?

I get Frog fed and disappear out the door, more than excited about playing a few little pranks on Rivers. I mean, why stop at just the seafood? After all, he massively broke her heart. We should be going balls to the wall all out.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance