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“Nothing,” he murmurs, giving the engine his stamp of approval. “Just about done. I should probably check the brakes while I’m at it though. I wouldn’t want them fucking up on the track.”

“I swear, you check that shit every day. It’s probably fine.”

His only response is to grin down at me as he steps back from the hood and allows Jared to unhook it. Jared lowers the hood and gently closes it before all the guys seem to stand back in appreciation, even Aiden who couldn’t give a shit about cars is looking on in admiration.

I try not to gag. Boys and their cars. It’s ridiculous. Now, if they were staring at a sexy, yellow Supra, that I’d totally get.

Noah goes to check the brakes when a taxi pulls up on the curb, drawing all of our eyes towards it in confusion. “Who the hell is this?” Noah grumbles beside me, watching the taxi through narrowed eyes.

I glance across at Tully, wondering if she’s expecting anyone when she shrugs her shoulders.

Both the driver’s door and the passenger’s door open at the same time. The driver appears first before walking around the back of the car and opening the trunk. It’s then that the passenger pushes out from the taxi, finally showing his face and shocking us all.

I stand still, sucking in a breath and gaping at Rivers as he looks back at us, his eyes carefully scanning over each and every person before him, each one with a different emotion. He starts with Noah, and all I see is a desperate need to beg for forgiveness, next his eyes drop to me and clearly unknowing what we’ve discovered over the past few months, he gives me a slight nod. Next up, there’s confusion as he looks over Aiden, understanding with Jared, and then finally a deep longing which quickly morphs into anger as he takes in Tully with Spencer’s arm still firmly wrapped around her.

The taxi driver grabs Rivers’ belongings from the truck before placing the massive bag at his feet and dropping back down into his taxi. He takes off, leaving us all gaping at Rivers…my brother.

My heart races.

Holy shit. Hearing it is one thing, but having the guy right in front of me, that’s a whole new feeling; something I’ve never quite felt before. This is my brother. My blood. My family.

Time slows and it’s as though we all stand motionless, staring at one another, terrified of how this is going to go down. I can’t help but notice how different he seems. His hair is cut, his arms are bigger, and his eyes…they don’t seem so dark anymore. Hell, he seems to be standing taller and to be honest, it’s a really good look on him.

Spencer clears his throat, forcing Rivers dangerous eyes towards him, and making me fear for his pretty face. “I think we should go.”

“Huh?” Aiden says, looking around at us all in deep confusion. “Why? Who the hell is this guy?”

“Yeah,” Jared says, grabbing his phone off the roof of Noah’s Camaro as he addresses Aiden. “Spence is right. We should go. We’ll explain on the way.”

Aiden glances around and it’s then I remember that he’s never actually met Rivers, but I’m sure it won’t take him long to piece it together. “Yeah, alright,” he says slowly, looking to Tully and then to me. “Call me if you need anything.”

With that, the three boys slink off, leaving just our pack behind with a chance to finally get everything out in the open. I have a feeling that isn’t going to happen until the boys have sorted their differences though, and from the way Noah’s hands have balled into fists at his side, I’d dare say it’s going to be a bad one.

Something tells me we won’t be making the races tonight after all.

Rivers’ eyes flick from Noah and across to Tully who looks like she’s about to collapse to the ground as she shakes her head with tears in her eyes. Rivers takes a step forward with his heart on his sleeve and the emotion pouring out of him in waves.

He dumps his bag on the grass and keeps a good distance, knowing more than anyone that she needs her space right now. “I’m sor-”

Noah rushes him, cutting off his apology as he grabs him by the front of his shirt. “How could you do that to her?” he roars.

Rivers allows him to toss him around like a ragdoll all while looking sick to his stomach. “I had no choice.”

Noah shakes his head. “Not fucking good enough,” he bellows before rearing back and punching Rivers square in the jaw. Rivers stumbles back a few steps, but Noah is nowhere near finished with him. “There’s always a choice. You could have come to me.”


“No. You put her in the fucking hospital and then left her there, completely broken. You tore her apart and now you have the balls to come back here? After leaving without even a goodbye.” Rivers shakes his head, lost for words. “Do you have any idea what kind of mess you left behind?” Noah demands. “We’ve really fucking needed you.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance