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“Thanks, mom,” he says, holding onto her with everything he’s got.

“I’ll tell you what,” she says. “Why don’t the two of you go down to Henley’s place and collect your things? It’s time you came home.”

Noah nods and gives his mom a thankful smile. “I’d like that.”

“Good, now be home in time for dinner. I know your sister is missing someone to kick under the table and I haven’t exactly enjoyed looking at your empty seat over the past few weeks.”

“Alright, mom. I’ll be here.”

“We still have plenty of things to talk about and I have a few other suggestions on how you can make amends with our community, but we can discuss them tonight. For now, just go get your things and move your ass back home.”

Chapter 13

Damn it. Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love that Noah has mended his relationship with his mom and that his heart isn’t hurting anymore, but fuck, I hate that he’s not living so damn close anymore. I was really getting used to sneaking him into my bed in the middle of the night. Though, I can’t say that Noah really enjoyed spending half the night on the couch.

He’s better off at home with his family, sleeping in his own bed where his parents can watch over him and check in as they learn to trust him once again.

I guess I just really hate having an empty bed where Noah is concerned.

Maybe one day we’ll grow up and get a place of our own where we can build our lives together and do all that shit that grown-ups do. Though, one thing’s for sure, I do not want to experience grocery shopping with Noah Cage. It would be horrendous.

I can already picture it. Noah constantly has so much energy and he usually focuses that energy on tormenting his sister. If we’re living together and it’s just me and him, I’d be in for a life of hell while he chuckles to himself like a little school girl, but I’m sure he’ll make up for it each and every time.

Tully and I walk out the front of their home. It’s been a good week. We’ve managed to cleanse our lives of Anton Mathers; well as much as we possibly could. I got accepted into college, and Noah came clean to his parents and was welcomed home. Happy hearts everywhere, well mostly. There’s still heartache everywhere we look, but for the most part we can begin to look forward.

Friday night has come around so damn fast and naturally Noah is standing out front with Spencer, Jared, and Aiden polishing up his car to make sure it’s perfect for the races tonight. I’ve been hesitant to go after what happened last week with Anton, though it’s not like I’ve actually told Noah about it. I’m sure if he knew how I was feeling, he’d be more than happy for me to sit it out, but what it comes down to is the fact that I want to be there to support him. Besides, I have a feeling he won’t be taking his eyes off me tonight. Hell, I’ll probably end up racing with him.

I walk over to Noah as Tully falls in beside Spencer. I can’t help but run my eyes over the two of them. They’ve been spending more and more time together this week and I can see that friendship possibly turning into something a little more. Well, for Spencer anyway. At first, he would treat her like any other friend, but as time goes on his eyes seem to linger on her a little longer and he’s always looking for an excuse to touch her.

She needs to be careful. I love that his attention is helping take her mind off other things, but it would only take a little bit of innocent flirting for a guy like Spencer to fall head over heels in love. They’ve dated in the past, so clearly there’s already some sort of attraction there but they’ve both matured since then. Who knows what could happen? I just wish he didn’t have that whole douchebag vibe about him. Though to be fair, he’s certainly not as bad as he used to be, and if Noah is willing to keep him around, then there must be some level of respect there.

Spencer’s arm falls around her shoulders and Tully leans her head into him which is when I decide to leave them the hell alone. They’re both single so what’s the harm? Tully’s heart is safe from getting hurt by him, but it’s his we should be worried about.

Noah leans forward on the open hood of his car, checking over his engine one last time as I look on in confusion. You’d think I’d know what I was looking at by now, but nope. Not even close. “What’s going on?” I ask him as our skin grazes past one another.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance