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Chapter 2

Noah and I walk through my door just after seven at night. We spent a good four hours with Tiny and she managed to get the whole outline done. I’ll be going back in a few weeks after it’s healed to get the color added and I can’t wait. It already looks incredible.

It was crazy and it hurt like a bitch. I’ve been jumped and been involved in more fights than I care to admit, but getting a tattoo? It sucked.

Tiny and I talked nearly the whole time. I told my life story and then we switched and she told me all about herself while Noah slouched in a chair with an ice pack on his dick, absolutely shameless. It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep and I instantly became jealous.

At first, Noah did what he could to try and get my mind off it. He hated seeing me like that but it got to the point where his incessant asking how I was doing was driving me insane and I ordered him away. He refused to go far which is how he ended up slouched in the chair.

By the time Tiny was done with the outline, I was more than happy to get up off that table. I was dying to pee and the need to check out my ink was becoming overwhelming. Seeing it for the first time though…wow. I felt kind of badass to be honest. I mean, I have a tat now and that means I’m a bad bitch. Well, I already am a bad bitch but now I have the ink to go with it.

Both Noah and I have had an exciting, spontaneous, and painful day. I want nothing more than to collapse down into my bed and wait for dad to fall asleep so Noah can sneak into my bedroom.

The last few days have been pretty good despite how shitty it was with the whole Violet thing. Dad has been in the hospital so me and Noah have been playing house. It’s been kind of awesome and gave me ‘the feels’ big time. It’s as though I could pretend that this was mine and Noah’s future. It’s exactly how I imagined it; us slaving over the stove, stealing kissing and ass grabs while the kids run around the house. It was perfect. Until dad had to come home and ruin it.

Before even letting me get him settled in at home, he was already ordering Noah onto the couch, claiming he’s far too young for grandbabies. I rolled my eyes but it’s not like I was surprised. I could see it a mile away. In fact, I should have expected him to put up more of a fight to get out of the hospital a few days earlier just to chaperone our nights together.

If only he knew.

We walk into the living room and Aria instantly springs up from the floor, sending her dinner flying halfway across the room. Dad groans while both Noah and I brace ourselves. I turn to the left, preparing myself if she crashes into me while Noah turns to the right and angles his hips away, hoping his junk is secured if she chooses him.

How it is we both left this morning perfectly fine yet come home, both suffering from self-inflicted pain?

“Squirt, your dinner!” Dad grumbles but she doesn’t seem too worried about it as she continues full steam ahead.

Lucky for me, Aria smashes into Noah and does a good job of avoiding his groin, making him sigh out in relief as she welcomes him home. Noah wraps his arm around her and she giggles as he ruffles her hair.

Aria is loving having Noah stay with us, and I can’t complain, I’m loving it too, though it didn’t stop her from complaining about how I cook breakfast and requesting we head over to see if Violet will cook for her instead.

With Noah not currently welcome, we compromised and she was satisfied with Noah cooking instead. Though I really don’t get it; my pancakes are fucking incredible.

On the car ride home, Noah received a call from Maxen who said that Jesse was hosting a massive party at Broken Hill lake and we were all invited. We ‘ummed’ and ‘ahhed’ the whole way home trying to figure out if we should go or crash into bed and put this day to rest. We’re both exhausted, but at the same time seeing Kaylah would be awesome and I have a feeling that Tully will probably show too, so it didn’t take much convincing.

What can I say? I have a wild spirit and I’ve come to realize that there’s nothing quite like partying with the Broken Hill crew.

As Aria attempts to smother my boyfriend, I make my way towards dad. “I see you managed to make it through a whole day without ending up in the hospital,” I tease. “I’m impressed.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance