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“Scream all you want,” the guy says in a strangely familiar tone which is followed up by a chuckle. “Nobody is going to hear you out here.”

I ignore the way I can feel the vibrations of his words through his back and glance up to realize we’re right at the edge of Maxen’s property, far away from anyone. The music has completely drowned me out and anyone looking for me won’t be able to see me in the shadows.

It’s then I start to really understand what could happen here and fear grips me. “What do you want?” I demand. “Who are you?”

The guy just laughs which has chills spreading throughout my body. This is not good. So not good.

I start preparing myself to fight. He has to put me down at some point and there’s no way in hell I’m going to be raped, drugged, or kidnapped tonight. That’s simply not in the cards. I was having a good night until now and I’m not about to let this guy get the best of me.

All those times I’ve put bitches down at school and stood my ground has all been practice for this very moment.

I try not to think of the fact that the guy is nearly twice my size and clearly very fit and strong. All that means is that I’m going to have to put up a big fight. I can do it. I haven’t been drinking, my mind is focused, and I’ve got one hell of a great right hook.

I can do this.

I will not be a victim. No way in hell.

I relax my body as much as possible, preserving my energy as my kicking and screaming have already managed to use up a lot of what I’ve got, but I’m hoping the adrenaline will help me through it.

My captor takes me deep into the bushes and I look up behind him, trying to remember the path he took so I can get out of here, but it’s so damn dark that it’s going to be near impossible. I guess I’m lucky I’m in a tight pair of jeans and boots making it hard if he was to try to remove my clothes, not to mention, the boots should make running for my life a little easier.

He adjusts his hold on me and I feel that this is it. Something is about to happen.

I take a deep breath and try my hardest to adjust to the darkness around me. I can do this. I will not be afraid.

The guy grabs hold of the back of my jacket and in one easy swoop, he hauls me off his shoulder. I land on my feet a second later and I don’t waste a second. Hesitation is what has brought many people down in the past and I won’t be one of them.

I clench my fist and as quick as lightning, I swing around, my right hook already aiming for his face. I don’t bother to try to make out the features of his face, all I know is that I have to get out of here.

My fist slams right into his eye socket and as he cringes, I bring my knee up in a devastating blow to his balls, so bad that I’d assume the guy may never reproduce.

I know it’s a low blow going for the balls and it’s a cop-out when it comes to fighting your way out of trouble, but I’m fucking desperate and I’ll kick as many guys in the balls as it takes to get back to Noah. Back to safety.

The guy doubles over and I don’t hesitate. I run.

I get three steps away when large hands catch me, clenching down on my upper arms so hard that, no doubt, it will leave two nasty bruises. The hands bring me to a devastating stop before I’m thrown down on the ground beside the guy I’d just kicked in the balls.

“You little bitch,” the guy says, launching across the muddied ground to get to me. He grabs hold of my ankle and I try to kick him off, but he’s learned his lesson and there’s no way he’ll let me get the best of him a second time.

His face finally comes into view and I gape for a second.


What the actual fuck? At least I now know why his voice was familiar to me.

I wildly kick at him as I try to scramble back, desperate to get away from these two men. “Get off me, you prick,” I yell.

My ankle starts to ache when a booted foot slams down into Rocko’s ribs and a loud crack is heard all around. I suck in a terrified breath as my head whips around to the other guy. Maybe he’s the actual danger here.

“I told you she was not to be harmed,” the man says.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance