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Noah looks across to Aiden, both with a mischievous sparkle in their eyes. Aiden pushes up from my bed and the two of them start closing in on Tully. “No, no, no, no,” she says, backing up. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Helping,” Noah says innocently. “Can’t have you going out in a pair of jeans you don’t love.”

With that, they each hook their fingers through the belt loops on the jeans and hoists them up, launching her right up off the ground before bouncing her around. “Fuck, my vagina” she screeches as her hands desperately cup over her lady bits, holding on tight. “You’re giving me a fucking camel toe. I swear, you’re going to tear me in two. Put me down!”

The boys chuckle to themselves as I thank my lucky stars that wasn’t me. Noah leaves his sister alone and drops down onto my desk chair as Tully gets busy fixing herself. “So, what’s going on?” I ask, looking across the room at Noah before dropping down on the end of my bed to put my shoes on.

“No more party.”

“What?” I ask as my hands freeze on my feet.

“Nope. No way,” Aiden says, acting like a drama queen. “This shit is going down tonight whether you like it or not.”

“Fine by me,” Noah shrugs with a knowing smirk. “You can go to the party, but I’ll be taking the girls to Maxen’s exclusive opening at the races.”

“It’s open?” I shriek, excitedly.

“Yep, he just called me. He wants to open it tonight, but it’s invite only because he doesn’t want to risk word getting out too fast and ending up with the cops at his doorstep.”

“Holy shit,” Tully squeals. “And we got an exclusive invite?”

“Well,” Noah scoffs. “I got the invite. I’m just choosing to bring you along because I can’t stand the idea of you being left behind, crying because you’re ‘Franky-no-friends.’”

“Shut up,” she laughs, grabbing a pillow and smacking it across his head. “You’re such a turd.”

“I know,” he chuckles. “So, what’s it going to be? Are you guys coming with me to Maxen’s opening or going to that party?”

“Fuck, is there even an option?” Aiden howls. “We’re fucking racing tonight. Screw Stacey Lasno, I can fuck her up next week. Besides, Maxen is fine, I’m down for his opening any time.”

I gawk at Aiden. “Is your mind always in the gutter?”

“Sure is,” he says with a wink.

I shake my head as I watch him. “You know Maxen is with Brooke, right?”

“I think they’re broken up at the moment,” Tully says in a wondering tone.

“Even better,” Aiden laughs. “All these beefed up dudes need to explore their options. Hell, I think most of them would even like it.”

“Yeah…” Noah says slowly. “That’s a firm ‘no’ from me.”

“That’s the spirit,” I laugh, turning to Noah. “No experimenting for you. I don’t want to risk you liking it too much and leaving me for Aiden.”

“I’d happily take that switch,” Aiden says, grinning at Noah before bouncing his brows.

“Ugh,” Tully says, grabbing her phone, probably to text Spencer about the change of plans while making sure she tells him to keep it on the down low. “I can’t stand it when you flirt with my brother. It’s weird.”

“Yeah,” Aden says. “But look at him. He fucking loves it. It’s like an ego boost. He doesn’t care where the attention comes from as long as it comes in hard and fast and in the form of flattery.”

Noah just grins. After all, Aiden has never been so right.

We hurry to finish getting ourselves ready and before I know it, the four of us are in Noah’s Camaro, heading to the races which will no doubt turn into the place to be. The fact that we get to be some of the very first people to experience this is going to be awesome.

Noah drives in through a racers’ entrance and a sense of superiority comes over me, making me feel kind of important but kind of a bitch at the same time. I’m not even racing so it’s not as though I’m entitled to feel this way. Maybe it’s the fact we’re coming through this entrance and everyone else is coming through the main gates and paying a spectator fee.

As we drive further onto the property, I start gaping out the window like I was on an African safari. Every way I look, there’s something that wasn’t here when I came through a few weeks ago. It’s incredible. Massive grandstands are surrounding the track, concrete barriers ensuring everyone’s safety, a fucking food and drinks stand, and right up on top, overlooking the whole track is a VIP area with all the guys from Broken Hill.

But what gets me the most is the number of people who have shown up tonight. So much for it being an ‘exclusive’ opening. The whole fucking world is here and it’s amazing.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance