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Noah rolls his eyes. “It’s fine, I didn’t drink enough to be affected by it. Besides, there’s still a chance I got a good bottle,” he laughs as he gets up from the couch. “But we better replace all of them. I can only imagine what your dad would do if he came home and accidentally drank one of those.”

“Oh, my God,” I laugh. “He’d tear you into little pieces and feed them to the neighbor’s cat. I can see it now, we’re going to end up on the news.”

“That’s fine, as long as you say something nice at my funeral.”

I roll my eyes and drag Noah into the kitchen before handing him the bottles from within the fridge. We get busy pouring them down the sink and before I know it, we’re dropping down into his car and peeling out of the drive.

Noah’s phone rings out and he ignores it seeing as though it’s just Tully. She only just left my place twenty minutes ago. The call dies down as Noah pulls into the gas station and a second later, my phone starts up.

Shit, for her to call right after like that, it must be important. I grab my phone from the center console and hit accept as Noah brings the car to a stop. “Yes?” I say, waiting to hear the reason behind this mystery call.

“Where the fuck is Noah?” she demands, yelling hysterically down the line.

I sit a little straighter as my eyes shoot across to him. “He’s right here,” I tell her, putting it on speaker. “Why? What’s going on?”

“You want to fucking know what’s going on?” she yells as my eyes remain locked on Noah’s. “My stupid fucking brother started working for Anton Fucking Mathers and managed to piss the bastard off. I just got home to find the fucker waiting for me. At our fucking doorstep, Noah. Where we sleep. Where our family lives. He slammed me into the fucking wall demanding to know where you were. You brought this shit to our home. How the fuck could you? What if Ari was with me? What if that had been mom?”

Noah’s fingers curls around the steering wheel, his knuckles instantly turning white with anger as he listens to his twin sister.

“Alright, alright,” I say, trying my hardest to calm her. “Are you ok? Did he hurt you?”

“Hurt me? He slammed me into a fucking wall, Henley,” she seethes. “He put his hands on me and physically threw me into the wall. I’m fucking lucky my head didn’t crack open.”

“Shit, Tully. We’re on our way.”

“No, don’t come over here,” she says. “He’s waiting for you.”

Noah slams his foot down on the gas, sending me flying back into my seat. “He’s still fucking there?” he demands, pulling out into traffic as the back of his car fishtails around while other motorists honk and curse him out.

“Not him personally,” she explains as Noah races down the road. “He left his fucking muscle behind. Anton took off straight away while a guy in a black, hunk of shit is sitting outside our place. I don’t know what to do. I’ve locked and dead bolted the door, but I don’t think he’d bat an eyelash at smashing a window to get in here. What if mom and dad come home?”

“I’ll handle it,” Noah tells her, flying around the corner and making me scramble for something to hold on to. “Get the fuck out of there. Go out the back, jump the fence and run.”

“If dad sees this guy, you know he’s going to try and do something about it.”

“I told you I’d fucking handle it,” Noah snaps down the line. “Now get the hell out of there.”

“Where am I supposed to go? Henley’s place?”

“No. If he’s looking for me, that’s the next place he’ll go,” he says, sending chills down my spine. “Find Aiden and stay there until I come and get you.”

“Ok,” she murmurs in a panic before the line goes dead.

I throw my phone down and slam my hand against the dash, desperately trying to hold still as Noah flies down the road, faster than I’ve ever seen him drive before. “What are you going to do?” I ask, feeling that same panic that’s pulsing through Tully’s veins right now.

“I’m going to fucking kill him,” he says, not taking his eyes off the road for even a second. “He put his hands on my fucking sister.”

“Just…think about this, Noah. Think about who you’re dealing with. This is going to start a war that we can’t possibly win.”

“No, you fucking think about it. Anton just left his muscle behind. This is the only fucking time I’m ever going to get him alone. I’m doing this with or without you, Henley. So, what’s it going to be? Are you with me or not?”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance